Friday, March 10, 2006
Ritmeyer, 10:26 AM
Poor Rit. You should start a search for a hacker who can tell everyone how to get onto their blogs at work after they've been firewalled. That hacker would be a king amongst bloggers.
Yeah. This sucks that you're firewalled. I miss you.
I hope you get the problem solved soon! We miss you being able to post.
Umm, Hello? Post at night. I miss you.
I miss you!! Can't you just type your posts on Microsoft Word during the workday and paste them into Blogger once you get home? 'Cos I'm getting sad.
Umm, how long is it before we can report a blogger missing?
That's it...I'm sending out an APB
Bloglife is not as much fun without you! Come back soon! Hope you and things in your world are ok.
okay rit, seriously. where are thee?
I think Rit was abducted by Aliens. Then, she liked it, so she decided to stay.