Friday, January 13, 2006

And Bingo was his Name-O

GAME OooN! Bingo is totally on tonight. I am so excited I could wet myself. out. Sodd, Tom, Karen and a bunch of our friends went last week and Sodd said "man, I can't believe how serious those people are. They almost took Mike's head off when he yelled Bingo before he should have." Then I cackled. Yep, a cackle. Sodd is becoming increasing concerned about my attendance this evening. I just called him.

Sodd: Hey, Rit
Rit: There was an old lady who had a cool marker caddy for her favorite game called BINGO
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-...interuption
Sodd: Little excited aren't we, Rit.
Rit: I love old people. I especially like taking all their money. Hey, did they have those cool marker caddies on sale at Bingo last week? How many different color markers can I get?
Sodd: What? What's a caddy? Wait, some ladies had something they put their markers in, is that what that is called? You really need to not be so, um, these people are really serious about bingo Rit.
Rit: I'll fashion one out of my curtain fabric. Maryanne is meeting at our house at six. Six o'clock. We will be at the church at 6:15. I don't want all the blue haireds getting the good seats.
Sodd: Ok. Um...interuption.
Rit: I gotta go. I need to practice whoopin' ass. I have my boss calling out the bingo numbers. See ya at six!

Also my dad called me and said "Hey, when is Mr. Rit coming over so I can kick his ass in poker again." To which I responded, "What you don't want me to come? You are totally scared of me since I kicked your ass on Christmas." Then he said "Whatever, I'm not scared of you. I'll beat your ass this time. Oh, and your mother said your anniversary is almost here and she's talking about spending more of my money. I'm still finding bills from christmas tucked all over the house so let's make a deal. We will take you guys out to dinner and have a moment of silence for all the money I shelled out on your wedding. Anniversary present done." Me "Deal. But I'm kicking your old ass on Saturday, Daddy!" We are going over to la rents on Saturday night for dinner. My sissy's finance is coming in town this weekend and we will be having a Texas Hold em' tournament.


Have fun at Bingo, Ritzy. But remember -- a lot of those Q-tips have heart conditions. Take it easy on 'em.
At least with poker some skill is involved. Bingo is all luck.
Oh, I will. No mercy!
Sounds like someone's a little sourpants because he can't manage 9 cards at once.

(hi tim)
Oh get this Jewels. We get 18 games with 10 cards on each game. All this for the low low price of $21. Yes, I'm totally taking pictures.
You definitely need to make an old lady cry then take a picure of her.
I would totally kick your ass C.

It's really cool you are a firefighter. Thanks for saving people's lives and stuff.
I know. I've been making up work to do because everyone is gone. I think I just keep missing people.
I'm here, where you be at.
Well, you have to practice more before you get to work on a hobo. Just don't actually bite the hobo.
Good. Definately spit. Don't swallow.
Bingo is going down soon. I'm so excited. Hizzle, you should come.
Fun. I love free food. Although it usually doesn't make up for the cost of the dress. Free drinks do though.
$400 dollars! Are you kidding me. That is ridiculous.
Did you win at bingo?
Oh that sucks. I'm sorry. I hope you didn't end of watching ghost whisperer like me. That was a really lame-o move on my part. really lame.
No, Maryanne and I ordered pizza and played gin rummy and then went ice skating with other friends.
Isn't that with Jennifer Love Hewitt? She annoys me.
What in the template? I didn't even change anything.
Yes, with JLH. The acting is so bad, its good. Or that's what I tell myself.

Template? wha...

I'm working on someone's template and I'm having a really hard time making it come together. And my son is sick with a fever. He's sleeping. And we're supposed to have company who have a 2 year old. I think we're going to have to cancell.
That sucks. My mom just called and said we should come over at 6. I said 7, she said she would call if we could come over earlier than 6. I love selective hearing.

Hope your little one feels better.
Oh, My sidebar moved over into my main thingy and I didn't do anything. Then, magically it corrected itself.
Thanks guys. He just woke up from a nap and said he's all steamed up. (fever) I don't know where he got that saying.
Anyone who says bingo is all luck and no skill didn't play the way my mom played. She'd play so many regular bingo cards, plus so many of those little bonus tear-off cards, whatever those were, that it took real skill to scan the six zillion cards looking for B2 or I20 or whatever number was called. I would barely be done looking at the first card by the time they called the next number, while mom had skillfully scanned all 'leventy billion of her cards and was listening for the next number.

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