Thursday, January 12, 2006
Ask Rit
Everyday I read
Dear Abby. I do. I enjoy it. I am also pretty good a dispensing some advise. So this morning I was reading it and it hit me. "Self, you could do a little segment called Ask Rit." Genuis. So email me at and I will answer your life's troubles. Trust me, I know stuff. I was in therepy from 14-20. Yeah, once the Rents cut me off I didn't have to go anymore. I will use terms like, passive agressive, empowering, sexual disfunction, and asshat.
Ritmeyer, 11:52 AM
BTW...I don't wear pink either, except for my skin.
So I guess you're cured. Because, once therapy ends, you must be cured. (like a honey ham)
Dear Sean uh, I mean LC,
Yes, yes he should. As should a 28 year old woman.
But that is the last question I will answer not in email form. It's like Jeopardy around here.
Blush and Bashful are MY signature colors.
Baby Jewels's signature color is FORESKIN. Don't show up without one.
Dear Ugly Bumper,
I regret to inform you that your question has been rejected. If you would like to have your question answered, please re-submit in email form.
Dear Rit
Let me let you, I went to a wedding last year that looked like the church had been sprayed with pepto bismal. I was looking for Weesa so I could hit her. Then I cried because my daughter could never run very far.
I have found that weird now, since Mr Rit is diabetic (has been since 13) and he runs all the time. Oh, and fast. And he played football in highschool.
Foreskin. That was a good one.
My signature scent is spermacide.
Ha! Zinging yourself is like masterbating. You're not proud of it, but it still feels good.
You're so taking a screen shot of that, aren't you?
I'm telling EVERYONE! Hey, no emailed me. I'm sad.
Sad. I see you Hizzle.
No, not sad. I'm here too.
Hi. I'm here. Oh, wait. You guys were talking over an hour ago.I'm a losa.