Monday, January 09, 2006

Oh, it's SO on

This weekend was awesome. Why was it so awesome? I'm not freaking sick anymore that's why. Friday Mr. Rit and I decided to have date night. On our way out the door some friends called and say Bingo was on. We were conflicted, but Italian food was calling my name so off we went to my friend Nick's family restaurant. We love going to The Hill. Yummy, yummy toasted ravioli. It's a St. Louis thing that you all must try before you die. Dinner was lovely and romantic. Yes, we do romantic every once in awhile. Of course we can't possibly continue romantic all night. We went home and played gin rummy, which Mr. Rit hadn't ever played. I must have forgotten to tell him that you don't have to lay down the run or 3 of a kinds as soon as you aquire them. When 5 hands in I picked up a card and layed everything down and won, he looked at me and threw his cards across the table and yelled "Cheater! " I looked at him all innocent like and said "It's in the rules, do you want me to google it?" Mr. Rit "well, well, if those are the rules, that's the chicken shit way of playing! I'm not going to play anymore!" Me, "Boo boo kitty head don't be like that." Mr. Rit "Fine, fine we'll still play but I'm going to hold all my cards. Let's see if you will still win after that." Well, I did still win. I was a tense game up until it hit 500 points. He challeged me to another game, he won that. He trash talked and I asked God if he was there, because Margaret was about to whoop some husband ass. Aren't we precious?

So, la Skywalker and I had a bit of the pregnancy scare this month. Mr Rit has been bugging me about having a kid since the minute we got married, but I wasn't ready. I was 5 days late and when Saturday rolled around and we discovered we weren't pregnant, I found out that I want a baby. I cried. I walked downstairs in tears to get some comfort from my football watching husband (who is also watching with Tom and Sodd):

Rit: ::tears in eyes:: I'm not pregnant.
Skywalker: You I-D-I-O-T!!!!
Rit: What?
Skywalker: DAMN IT! made aware of me because Tom and Sodd are staring at me and hitting him What...oh my god, why are you crying. What's wrong!
Rit: I'm not pregnant.
Skywalker: On no, really? I totally thought you were. Damn. hugs me then starts watching game again.
Rit: So, um. I was thinking we should just start trying.
Skywalker: WHOO HOOO! clapping while Tom and Sodd's mouths drop open. Tom starts laughing.
Rit: SKYWALKER! I'm trying to talk to you.
Skywalker: Rit, you're killing me. Can't this wait until..YES!!!! all the boys have jumped up and clapping and yelling, I'm wishing Karen had come over with Tom.

I know it is stupid to be talking to him in the middle of watching whatever game he is watching. I also know that this is not the type of conversation you have infront of your friends. I know these things. But my mommy clock has over ridden my brain, rendering my rational thought powerless.

Rit: I want to start trying to have a baby now.
Skywalker: But I thought you were all upset that you might be pregnant because you wanted to lose that last 10 lbs you put on when you quit smoking before you get pregnant? Tom looks at me eyes all big looks back at Mr. Rit and says "you're an idiot"
Rit: glaring at him, mouth agape when genuis strikes Fine, how about we start when I lose that 10 lbs.
Skywalker: Oh my god, son of a bitch and all the boys are yelling at some dumb ass football player
Rit: Mr. Rit!!! So...
Skywalker: Ok, fine.
Tom and Sodd's mouths drop open, I leave the room satisfied.

The adult in me thinks I may need to discuss this with him again. The bigger part of me worked out for two hours yesterday and got up at 5:30 this morning and worked out. Besides, Tom and Sodd probably told him what he agreed to anyway.


5:30 to work out?!?! wow. You want a baby pretty bad, huh?
Rit, start trying now and forget those 10 pounds. You can still watch your food intake while you're trying and do reasonable workouts. It's never the "right time", whether its your weight, finances, housing, blah, blah. Just get pregnant. And I can make you a little baby bracelet! yeah.
yeah, what bj said. Titso gained no weight for the first 15 or so weeks. She was losing it everywhere else and gaining it in her stomach. Just lose it elsewhere while gaining it in the gut.
Tim-I'm really tired. I wish I was tired because I was listening to Howard.

Lulu-What's discretion? Hey, you went to Zia's without calling me!

BabyJewels-no, I need to lose it before I gain it right back.

I just called my mom to tell her and she said I can't get pregnant until after my sister's wedding in July. She said I should just make my goal twenty. I hate her.
I love gin rummy. I can't tell you how many hours I wasted hiding in the journalism room playing that game with my friends instead of going to my classes in highschool.

My friend lost lots of weight because anything other than fresh fruits and veggies made her puke when she was preggars.
That's awesome! I wish my boyfriend liked football more-- I need something that will distract him so that I can get him to agree to things more often.

Seriously, though, that's exciting! Good luck to you. :)
I've said this on many a blog. I have an eight month old daugher, and I think she is the fucking cat's pajamas. Kids are great. You don't mind not sleeping or having any damn thing for yourself so much. All they have to do is smile at you. Crazy. When my daughter gets older and wants a pony, I will have to do it, even if we live in our little condo that doesn't allow dogs. The bylaws say nothing about a pony, so we'll keep him in our front room.
rit, you are so terrifying me right now. you do it first and tell me how it is.

i'm excited, yet still terrified, for you! fill me in every step of the way.

and i love tim's plan for managing your weight. if it were only that easy.

happy baby-makin'!
Rit - I say DO IT NOW! Then our babies can be blog friends!
Here's something to note...he obviously listens to you. When you said something about trying now, he brought up the 10 pounds thing. For most, that would've been an in-one-ear-out-the-other conversation.

Other than during the 3 hours of football, he seems like he's pickin' up what you're puttin' down. :)

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  • Cotton Babies
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