Friday, January 06, 2006

Why Not!

So, for some reason Bingo is game off tonight. I don't know if Mr. Rit saw Tim's suggestion for yelling at the blue hairs during the high stakes game and he knows that I would indeed do that or if my insane competitive nature has driven my friends from wanting to do anything with me that declares a winner. Hey, I apologised 2 weeks ago for getting all crazy and I have incorporated something in my prayers that has been helping me.

::Kneeling at bedside::

Are you there God? It's me Margaret ::laughter:: I know I do that everytime, but seriously it is funny. Oh and thanks for letting someone invent adhesive strips. Anywho, I've been having some trouble with being too competative. You know how my earthly Dad told me that there was no such thing as being too competative? I think he was wrong. Mr. Rit stares me real mean when I yell at someone for messing up if we are playing teams. I think I may actually care about embarassing him. Well, just with this one thing. Please help me not care so much that I win. Um, ok that's too much. Please help me not yell and berate my friends and trash talk so much. I don't like hurting people's feelings. Ok, people I like. I don't want to be mean to my friends, please help me to be kinder. Oh and world peace.

I think it is working. Last weekend I didn't yell at anyone, and i lost both games of Apples to Apples. See!


Your so humble! Good for you for thinking of others and losing graceful. lol.
We are so the same person. My mother in law gave me a present I didn't like. Apparently everyone knew it. I can't pull fake like off.
I will take a picture of the lovely manger scene I received.

Why would you need a momagenda?
at our first book club meeting we should play trivial pursuit. We'll never talk to each other again.
Since you already hate me...GAME ON!
I'm on it.
Godspeed, Hizzle. Godspeed.
I am UNDEFEATED in Trivial Pursuit. Do you hear that??? UNDEFEATED. As in, I have never lost. ONCE. I'm amazing. Truly amazing.

That being said, I am not competitive. I tend to disengage when I sense others taking a game too seriously.

I am, however, brilliant.
Guess who will be receiving Photoshop in the mail in 3-6 business days?
To join the ranks of people with English degrees who point out your minor spelling errors...(this one's for you BJ)

it's fucking BERATE!!!! Barate is when a local pub has a sandwich, as in, "The bar ate chicken salad on rye today."

Don't enter any spelling bees anytime soon, or you might get embarassed. Truly.

I hope you don't hate me now.

If you've seen my avatar, my head is already gone, so you'll have to rip off another part of me (please don't be the goodie bits).

I don't hate you, though. Unless you hate me, too, then it's on.

cause I like being lazy.
and scared of spelling bees...

Very true (that I was picking on you). Although, I also never use spellcheck, so my posts probably look like shit. I just noticed that BJ was fussing over the spelling of "deodorant" on another blog, so I mentioned her.
PS...why is is when she does it, it's funny, and everyone gets it, but when I do it, people get super pissed off at me (I have gotten plenty of bloggers pissed at me for comments I made that were supposed to be funny, but apparently came off offensive and struck a nerve.)
I don't know. I knew you were being sarcastic. I will have to think hard about this. Ummmm...
It wasn't directed at you, or even BJ, so it shouldn't have. Stop being so damn touchy and go play Japanese Karaoke Thursday on Friday!

werd to taht. it will not be tolreated in the blogosfere.
ksis mi ass u smrt peeple!
I spent all my money on Photoshop so I only got the cliff notes version of Hooked on Phonics.

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