Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Meme

Because I like anything with Me in it. Thanks, Popo and Lulu.

First off, I'm still sick. I am on a course of antibiotics that haven't kicked in yet. I will be traveling home soon. And then spending the day blogging. Fine, sleeping. (If sleeping means blogging)

A is for age:
28 years aged to perfection.

B is for booze of choice:

C is for career:
I thought C was for cookie, that's good enough for me! Oh cookie cookie cookie starts with C.

D is for your dog's name:
Ms. Maggie Magee (bulldog )and Gus (lab). They are camera shy. And Ms. Maggie Magee is lazy. Like her mama.

E is for essential items you use everyday:
Clean undies, a shower, and my coffee maker. Oh and Mr. Rit. And my pact with the Devil.

F is for favorite song at the moment:
I'm not sayin' she a golddigga, but she ain't messin' with no broke nigga.

G is for favorite games:
Poker online or in person I will smoke you! Apples to Apples, scene it, and spaides. I will crush you. Kill you. You. Will. Lose. Does someone want to come play with me, Mr. Rit and my friends won't play with me anymore?

H is for hometown
Des Peres, Mo. We love it when fellow Missourians call it Dez Perez, Missoura.

I is for instruments you play:
Guitar and Mr. Rit.

J is for jam or jelly you like:
Ewww, the word jam makes me think of toe jam.

K is for kids?:
Well, I'm 3 days late so here's to freaking out!

L is for last kiss?:
5:30 am this morning.

M is for most admired trait:
My shocking beauty. But that is a tie with my emense humility.

N is for name of your crush:
Ummmmm, Mister Rit? Yes. Yes that's it.

O is for overnight hospital stays:
Well, there was the time I slamed a bottle of Vodka the first time I drank. I believe that may have been a two dayer.

P is for phobias:
We don't have the time for this one. Baby steps...

Q is for quotes you like:
"Lots of people go to school for seven years."
"Yeah, their called Doctors." Tommy Boy

R is for biggest regret:
As cheesy as this may sound, I have none. I know everything I've done has made me who I am. Wait, scrap all that shit. I am pissed I didn't buy those boots at Nordstom's the other day. Damn me, damn me to HELL!

S is for sweets of your choice:

T is for time you wake up:
Alarm 6:00am. On a good day, I'm up. The other 364 days. 6-snooze. 6:09 snooze. 6:18 bargain with self, no breakfast, change alarm to 6:45. 6:45 bargain with self no shaving the legs in the shower, hit snooze. 6:54 drag ass out of bed.

U is for underwear?
Yes, please.

V is for vegetable you love:
All but peas. I hate peas. Peas suck.

W is for worst habit:
None. I quit smoking and now I am perfect. Fine, gossip. Just like Popo. I LOVE to know.

X is for x-rays you've had:
Each finger. Both wrists. My left leg. My knees. My right ankle. My left arm. 2 Cat scans.

Y is for yummy food you make:
I make a killer chili, great salads and hors d'ouevres, and an awesome chicken dish that involves bacon, sour and cream cheese among other things.

Z is for zodiac sign:

Patient and reliable
Warmhearted and loving
Persistent and determined
Placid and security loving

On the dark side....

Jealous and possessive
Resentful and inflexible
Self-indulgent and greedy

This sign crap is for the birds. Anyone who knows me would never use the word Patient or placid to describe me. Or loving.

Oh, and you know I pronouce my sign like this: TAR-US
I take this sign thing to mean I'm a Ford.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Lulu, I am so sorry. Being sick sucks.
chicken, bacon, sour and cream cheese... sounds delic. mmmm.... I'm hungry. lunch time.
HT couldn't tear herself away from Blogland if her life depended on it. What was all that about "Hi, I'm not blogging today, but..." and now she goes and does a meme. That's what makes you so darn cute, Hizzle.

And geez, Rit, I'm workin' on the layout. I PROMISE.
I lash out when I'm sick and/or hurt. I know you are working on it.

Hizzle is addicted to blogging. And she lies.
No, I really got behind on it and I am sorry. Working on it now!!!
I don't know Lulu.
Hey do you play setback? I'll totall kick your butt in that. (not really, but I like to pretend I'm good)

Rit, when she says she's working on the layout she means the one for Gangbang Magazine. Regarless, they keep telling her 'no thanks'.

Oh, Hi Popo!
Did you mean she is rigorless? I hope so, cause then she'd be dead.
Yeah, I'm going home from work now. My head hurts so bad. If these stupid antibiotics don't start working soon, I don't know what I will do.
Did you get the template? I emailed it to you.

Not the Gangbanger one. They said they're going with their original choice for a cover story: BabyJewels and the Connecticute Dildo Club.
Connecticute. Did you spell that wrong on poorpose or are we all rubbing off on you. Like a hobo in a dark alley. Rubbing off on you.

I'm so fucking funny. Good lord.
Sorry, I was driving home and then had to play with my new template. Isn't she pretty!

For the slow, comment here

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Past Genuis

  • Wholesome Baby Food
  • Cotton Babies
  • A little Pregnant
  • The Cloth Diaper whisperer
  • Little Man Chase
  • Shaken Mama
  • Karla Babble
  • Mad Ethel
  • The Blinding Glare
  • I think therefore I am Frustrated
  • Bore-a-phil!
  • Conti
  • H-Town Girl
  • Life, Las Vegas Style
  • Blogger

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