Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tagged, gagged and the ransom note has been sent

I was tagged by Amanda to reveal my 5 weird habits.

"The first player of this game starts with the topic five weird habits of yourself and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals."

That was very discriptive. Anywho, I wonder if I can find anymore weird habits after doing the 100 things wrong with me up to 80?

1. I never wear matching socks. I will even wear non matching socks to the gym, with shorts or my pants that end 4 inches above my sock line. One could be black, one could have snowflakes on them. One could be white, one could be multi-colored stripes. I find sorting socks boring.

2. My kitchen has to be clean before I will relax and watch TV. Period. I think this is why Mr. Rit married me, he never has to do dishes.

3. I don't wash my makeup off before I go to bed. I was blessed with good skin and I somehow got this idea in my head that that meant it was ok. Which it does. Shut up about getting wrinkles, I'll believe when I see it. Then I will get botox.

4. I HATE long voice mail messages. Mine cell says, "You've reached Rit..beep" our home phone says "You've reached the Meyers...beep". I'm pretty sure people know to leave their name, number and message and that I will call them back. If not, you're a retard and to quote Popo "No offense to retards." When I call a friend and they have a long message, I hang up. When they call me back, because they have caller id, and ask me why I didn't leave a message I tell them that I must have fell asleep during their long message and hung up the phone. If you have you kids do some long cutsy message, I find it cute once. Just once. ONLY ONCE! Then I leave my own form of "cute" message on your VM that may or may not involve my rape whisle and my stunning rendition of I'm a little Teapot, Bobin' up and down in My Little Red Wagon, and It's a Small World.

5. I can't get off the phone or leave somewhere without telling the people I love that I love them. Even if my mom just called me a selfish little pain in the ass, I will storm out screaming "I love you so much!" Even if my husband and I just got into some major fight and then I have to go to dinner with my friends, I walk up to him and say "I really don't like you right now, but I will love you forever." I can't stand the thought of someone's last encounter with me ending with me not letting me know how I feel. I guess that happened one too many times...The surprising benefit to this tick, is that my loved ones find it so hysterical that it ends the fight.

I tag the usual suspects. Hizzle, Tinapopo, Tim, Lulu, and BabyJewels. Oh and anyone else who wants to.


You know, I've been meaning to tell you this, but I don't wear pink all that often. I have nothing against it. I just look better in green.

My pet peeve is Verizon's cell phone voicemail message. Even if the cell phone owner's message is short, Verizon goes on and on about "press five to leave a numeric page, blah blah blah, leave a message after the tone, blah blah blah, and then after you have finished recording, hang up or press whatever for more options." Like I need an audial instruction manual to leave a message.
You do wear pink. You press the link all the time.

I hate verizon. and I have it.
I'm not going to make a whole post about my pet peeves. However, my biggest pet peeve is negative people aka the glass-half-empty-crew aka pessimists. I am always positive, and I guess I am some people's pet peeve. I start every day positively. I firmly believe that negativity breeds negativity. I also think that positivity is contagious. I try to spread the love like some good creamy peanut butter. I am the type of person who can find a silver lining, blah blah blah, so I really get perturbed by the pessimists.

Fuck Verizon.
I like peanut butter, but I like crunchy.
Loved #4! Way to tell 'em!
Yeah, I hate long voice mails, too-- probably because I am soooo impatient.

But props to you for passing along the love. That's a good habit to have.

(I miss Laguna... don't you? It feels like my gossip has been going way downhill. Maybe when Angelina gives birth and KFed's album "drops," things will pick up)
Is that better you two?
Can I just say I love you more because of 5. Without a hint of sarcasm. That just makes you an even better person.

I'm gonna start mine soon.
Ooops. Mean to post that as Popo. Who is wearing pink.

Anonajohn, on the other hand, is not wearing pink. He's wearing super tight jean cut offs with a dirty white wifebeater with pit stains and the nipples cut out. It's hot. And Jewels likes it.
Yeah, I have a super secret identity too and a few times I have mistakenly posted as that too.

Anonajahn sounds hot!

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