Friday, October 28, 2005

It is I, Captain Obvious

People sometimes make me wonder. I just had an experience with such a person

A wholesaler was just in the office. We are having a little office meeting and he walks in the front door. Nice guy, he really is. He says hello we all shake hands doing the buisnessy thing. He then says "How about those Cardinals." I stare at him. "What about the Cardinals?" I said. He then looks at me blankly. "We mention nothing of the Cards, nothing happened. " Then I laugh and lighten the air. He then says, "Oh, so you follow the Cards." I told him yep, and then explained the devastation of that last game and how my mom blames my Grandma for not wearing the same shirt she wore to the other games and all the wacky supersticious stuff she does and how my Dad just sits there drinking beer. He laughs, and says "Seriously, she believes that." I tell him "Yeah, but I' believe it is a combination of my Grandma and my husband who should not have watched the game at all because they only lost when he watched." Then he asked me if my husband has started drinking heavily like my Dad. Now everyone in the office is laughing at my light comic story, trust me you'd buy anything I'm selling too. People are my thing. After he made the statement that my husband needs to develop alcoholism to be with me...crickets.

Thank god my phone rang, so I walked into my office and answered it. Then I went and grabbed a diet coke and he walked by me and I offered him a drink. He then looks at me and says "Wow, you are REALLY TALL!!" mouth open, eyes all wide... more crickets. I am tall, but not freakishly tall as his shock would have indicated. Everyone in the office is staring now. I said "Are you serious, I'm tall?" with a shocked look on my face. He stammers a bit, so I say "Yeah, that's weird because my Dad is short. I wonder if it is from all the drinking?"


nice one, rit. i'd be scared to run into you in the office. haha
I didn't think his drinking joke was too bad, but the "you're really tall" thing is annoying. People always say to me "Why don't you ever talk?" Like, what are you supposed to say back to stupid question like that except something that will make them feel like a dick... like you did.
Your right, the drinking thing wasn't too bad. It was just the way he said it and then the horror on his face when he said the tall thing...I'm freakin 5'9, 5'11 in heals.
Warm fuzzie's Heather...You are REALLY TALL!!! We will hang out in 3 inch healed glory together. My sister is moving back to Tulsa after her July 2006 wedding and I know you are in OK, so we may hang out one day.
Oh, Heather I hope you know I was kidding on the really tall thing...
okay rit & heather and lulu & beebers can never get together. lulu and i would be midgets together.
my mom always said "good things come in small packages" to make me feel better. i now know this isn't true.
Oh beepers, I think that we should hang out it would be fabulous...our own little version of the classic movie Twins staring Danny Devito & Arnold Swarsohjvohvojasdl

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