Monday, October 24, 2005

My weekend, Nicotine Free!

Friday night I stayed in. Well, first I went to Blockbuster rented some movies and then went to pick up my order at El Maguey's. Yummy Mexican, yummy. When I pulled out at Blockbuster the young lady pulling into the parking lot and did not signal, I told her rather loudly what I thought of that behavior and proceeded to get me some mexican grub. While driving a friend of mine called. She was going on and on about something, so I just hung up on her. Yes I did. Here is the lesson I learned this weekend. When you quit smoking, let your close friends know about it, or else you may not have any left. She called back and let me have it, I then screamed at her that I quit smoking, she shut up and asked me if I needed anything. Smokers understand, I believe she lit up promptly after hearing that I was quitting.

I did not leave my couch until Saturday at 6pm. My friends were having a huge scavenger hunt party and Megan picked me up. She drove and smoked. I did not. Score one for me. I was however incredibly tired, so I juiced up on some coffee. I ate my weight in food and stared down the smokers. Oh well, I picked my team. There were 5 of us, competetive and ready to win. I chat with people, all the while downing caffeine. It's hunt time, and I am running in place.(if you have read the 100 things wrong with me installments you know I am competetive) One of my friends somehow managed to end up on our team and she has a the ability to make me want to rip her head off in team sports. She will be refered to as Bossy McBitch for the rest of the post.

We all head down to the street, it is raining a bit. We get our Hunt Rules and clues. This is going to be great. Get a tatoo, three of us fought over that. Get someone's dread lock, we did that it was crazy. By hour 2 I am wet and we did all the really big shit that would get us the most points. Bossy McBitch thinks we should go ahead and count all the parking meters up and down Delmar. I am drinking my Starbucks, just praying that she will shut up. I'm cold, wet and tired. One of the judges comes up and I asked her how many points this parking meter thing is, only 5. I then ask her how many points being the first team back gets you, 5. I'm sold, as is the rest of our team. No, Bossy McBitch thinks that we need to and sways one other person. One of the rules is that your team must not split up. Bossy starts to walk across the street to get another answer before we start the counting. My friend Susy and I are pissed. I look at the judge and tell her that if I indeed have to cross the street to join my team, Bossy McBitch is getting a nice cup o' Rit's Starbucks in the face. The judge believes me and says no points off for that. Being the crazy smoke free friend is really paying off.

We finally arrive back at the apartment. Another team is there. I am pissed now, because they only got there a few minutes ago. McBitch and I spent 5 minutes aguing about coming back until I grabbed Susy and Megan and started walking. McBitch is running after us saying "We can't split up, Rit what are you doing, we should count the meters!" I say "Fuck the meters, I need some damn cheesecake and dry clothes!" Tee Hee. So when we see the team, we glare at McBitch who says "See, I told you we should have counted the meters." I walk away and eat a peice of cheesecake. I love cheesecake.

We didn't win, even though we were the only team who got someone to get a tatoo. Other teams cheated, which McBitch had to point out. Constantly. I thought my Harley riding guy friends were going to take her out if she said one more "So and so totally cheated" while trying to get the judges to take points off for them. Good thing the judges also call her Bossy McBitch. WE cheated, we paid the manager off at Vintage Vinyl to not sign anyone else's form and got Streetside Records to give other teams the wrong anniversary date after I bought 4 CDs. We had so much fun, we even got a stranger to give us the shirt off his back. It was a bit wrong, he was like 17.


That sounds like fun-- I haven't done a scavenger hunt in forever.

Did you get the tattoo?
No, but I was one of the people arguing over getting it. I asked a judge if we would get more points if all three of us got it, they said no. The girl who go it didn't already have one and wanted one.

I was a blast, I haven't done one of these in years either. Adult scavenger hunts are way fun.
Wow...quite a weekend!

I haven't done an adult scavenger hunt, either...sounds like a new project to put together...
My friends really did alot of work to put this together. It was so much fun.
Rit, I read this while I was at work and so wanted to comment. Sounds like you guys are a great bunch. What fun.
Sounds like you had a ball! Kudos to you for being strong around the other smokers! I've never had the pleasure of playing adult scavenger hunt. I'm pretty sure I would have wanted to kill McBitch. Mmmmm, cheesecake.
good job not smoking rit! a scavenger hunt sounds like so much fun!

i'm finally back from vacay and going through all the blogging i've missed out on the past few days. thanks for the entertainment! now if i could only get some work done...

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