Friday, October 21, 2005

Like the Olsen's with a Side of...

HATE! Meet Lamb and Lynx Gaede, just your average 13 year old white nationalists with one album out, another on the way and a music video. All they are saying is "We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white," said Lynx. "We want our people to stay white … we don't want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race." Uhhhh, uhh. Muddle's a verb, not a noun.

Their dear mother, April, is only doing what any parent would do. "They need to have the background to understand why certain things are happening," said April, a stay-at-home mom who no longer lives with the twins' father. "I'm going to give them, give them my opinion just like any, any parent would." Joy of joys, the woman home schools the girls as well, which may explain the muddle situation above. Their grandfather's cattle brand is a nazi swastika. Yes, it's when I hear of wonderful heart warming stories like this that I hope one day we can stop the ability for some people to reproduce. On a side note, thanks mom and dad for not being racist assholes.

Story from ABC News


Revolting. Nice that mom is home schooling hate. Pawpaw sounds like a peach too. ::vomiting::
Yes, now if only we could stop the reproduction or at least start a program like "Adopt an almost racist".
Yeah, I saw these kids a while back. Poor things -- it's so easy to brainwash kids and these kids are really carrying being used. Big time. UGLY.
thats so sweet.

and disturbing.

Sweetly disturbing.
It both amazes me and disgusts me that some people actually think this way. I could just imagine how people like them would feel if they saw me and my parents and then saw me with my husband. I am the child of a bi-racial couple, mom is Irish and German and dad is Puerto Rican and my husband is Irish and German. They would hate all of us. That is so sad.

I heard about these girls a few months ago, but I thought it was a joke. I'm still waiting for the punchline.

Wow. I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

I guess with names like "Lamb" and "Lynx", they were bound to be at least a little fucked up.
I don't think they're disgusting, I just think it's terribly, terribly sad. People like Glaede are sick to use innocents to push their message of hate. I'm crying (truly) at the moment that two children are being used to spread hatred and induce other malleable minds to do the same. As if the U.S. hasn't got enough problems. That's so so sad.
I can't even come up with words.
And jesus, Lynx? they named their child Lynx??

Just wow on so many levels.
Okay, the racism is bad enough, but WHAT did you say their names were? LAMB AND LYNX? What??? Come on, you're making this crap up. Lamb? No one on the face of the earth would be stupid enough to give others the opportunity to make sheep jokes about her kid on a daily basis.
Yeah, I read about these kids a few months back as well. Horrifying on so many levels.
This is what it has come to? Racist and hateful teenyboppers (does anyone say this word anymore)? I miss the good old days when my teenage celebrities came with eating disorders and drug addictions.
I heard about this on the radio this morning. They were nominated for the boner of the day and won. I can't belive a parent would instill such bias and hateful ideas to a child!

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