Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I told you I have a foul mouth when driving
Ritmeyer, 5:00 PM
I hope you don't carry a gun b/c I have a feeling you would have used it a long time ago.
I totally want to road trip with you. potty mouth!
Yeah, audio blog wed is fun and frustrating. I don't have a sound card on my work computer and it kills me not hear hear what's being said. today I was able to leave early so that was nice.
Whoa, it's crazy to hear your voice! I prefer the written blog myself, too-- like you said, you can't pretend to do work when you're obviously listening to something non-work-related...
I can't listen most of the time when I'm at work b/c I am usually at these ghetto-ass training PC labs with computers from 1864. They are like a rock and a bendy straw with power hooked up. When I'm in the office, my computer is nice, so I can listen.
You should try driving downtown Chicago. I am a very chill person, but my wife and her mother both end up almost getting me killed. I once had a dude try to pull me out of my car in a traffic jam because I wouldn't let him in. Crazy.
There is a part of my drive home that is insane. In my infinate wisdom I was audio blogging during part of that. People going 55-60 a foot from my bumper. Then there is a part where no one will let you in. I'm not one of those people who cut in at the last minute, so fuck them! (I lived in downtown Chicago for a semester...not good at all)