Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Tagged by Beepers

10 years ago: I was starting my first semester at Mizzou, drinking lots of beer at Keg parties and trying to make up some good excuses as to why my grades totally sucked. I spent some nights really wasted calling the SAE house (imagine that with greek letters) asking for Brad Pitt while waiting for Domino's Pizza with 10 or so drunk 18 year old girls.

5 years ago: Started working a 9 to 5 (where I am still employed) and trying to adjust to not partying during the week...much. I had met Luke a year earlier and we were still in that "you rock like no other rocks" stage. Well to be honest we are still there, we just broke up 3 times before we got married. Once for 1 month, 1 year, 2 months. I was living with 3 gals in U-City and having too much "wait, we are adults now?" fun.

1 year ago: I had just gotten engaged and my mom was already driving me nuts. We had the reception narrowed down to three places. By narrowed down I mean Luke, my dad, and I had decided- My mom hadn't yet. I am glad that was a year ago!

Yesterday: I drove to work somehow without the ability to move my head. I went home and hung out with a heating pad, IB-Profin, and daytime TV. I had my husband bring home Taco Bell for dinner, as I was in too much pain to cook. I watched Real World (sucked) and Laguna Beach episodes I have already seen. Kiss my ass if you think that's lame...I don't need your approval!

5 Snacks I enjoy: Snack packs (any flavor really), Ben & Jerry's Half Baked, Reese Peanut Butter Cups, Cheetos, and olives (black & green). Crap, maybe I should lie and say fruit or something!

5 Songs I know all the words to:
"When you say nothing at all" Allison Krauss (cheesy yes, but I sang this to my husband at our wedding)
"It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)" REM
"Ice, Ice Baby" Vanilla Ice (Tina & Beepers, we rock. I learned that I know all the words last week at my husbands poker night, hells yeah those other guys were freakin' jealous of my hubby!)
"Baby got Back" Sir mix-a-lot (my dad got drunk at my 21 b-day and sang this Karaoke)
"Blister in the Sun" Violent Femmes

5 Things I Would Do With $100 Million: Buy a house with lots of acreage in the country & a house in Destin, Florida. Pay the student loans off for: me, Luke, my sis & her finance, his sis & brother-in-law, and pay for college for my 2 brothers and his youngest sis. Invest a ginormous amount and live off the interest. Of course charities especially for Diabetes (Luke has), breast cancer, really lets say any cancer, lots of other stuff that will make you think I care about other people. But I will donate 1 million dollars to get Ben Stein to admitt that there is such a thing as global warming!

5 Places I Would Run Away To: Italy, Colorado, Greece (thank you Taradise), Virgin Islands, and My parent's house.

5 Things I Would Never Wear: Mall bangs/Aqua Net (again), Anything in Paris Hilton's closet, Pink tutu, fake stick on boo-bees (wore them on my wedding day, gross), turqouis eye-liner .

5 Favorite TV Shows: Deadwood, Laguna Beach, Seinfeld (I still watch reruns), Buffy the vampire slayer (same as above), and Reno 911.

5 Biggest Joys: The relationship I have with my mom (not the best for a long time). The smile on my husbands face when I do something crazy and he can't help but love me. Sitting on my patio in the morning with a good cup o' starbucks & a smoke, thanking God for my wonderfully "boring" life. Hanging out with my bitches laughing our asses off. Hanging out with my sister and brothers repeating lines from all our favorite movies (anything Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Babyjewels-my brother does a mean Arnie!). This is how we communicate with each other, hey somehow it works. It's like our own little op language.

5 Favorite Toys: My blog (and all yours), my husband, My ipod, my camera, and my bullet (sorry, yeah I went there!).

5 People I Tag: I have to get back on that one because all the blogs I visit have already been tagged. I'm lame.
Ok here are some people. I have read their blogs and if they ever read mine they will find they have been tagged: Cressida, Caprice, Mad Ethel,


Great list, ritmeyer. I love blister in the sun, too.
Sublime...oh man the memories. 40 ounces to freedom, I smoke 2 joints in the morning, actually I used to listen to that about ten years ago. I'm freakin' old.
remember when they released a bunch of versions of summertime. Oh, man I loved that.
okay i'm impressed that you know all the words to "it's the end of the world as we know it."

i'm like on Tommy Boy where all they know is "6 o'clock TV hour!....." and that's it.
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Well, I'll let you in on a sad fact. My friend and I spend a whole saturday stopping and rewinding our tape player to memorize them. Oh, the lengths we will go to be "cool" in grage school.

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