Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Don't Shoot Bambi!

So, Evil Husband is going deer hunting this weekend. This will mark the first time that he will be attempting to kill a beautiful creature made by mother nature. I, however, bagged me a big 'en when I was 19 going 40 miles per hour in my '85 volvo. Man that car could take a serious beating and keep going.

Apparently this takes all sorts of expensive equipment. I came home from work yesterday to find a large metal object on my back porch. Huh, I wonder what this is? Ava came out to see if I had her $2.50 that we owed her for the cuss jar to which I responded, "No, son of a bitch!" Cha Ching! $2.75 "God Damn it!" $3.00. I decide to hold my breath, which not only stops hiccups but also cussing. Luke comes running outside, "Did you see it, did you, did you!?" I kind of just stare at him, "Um, if by IT you mean the large metal object laying to my left. Yes, I have seen it." Luke "Isn't it cool!?" Me "What the hell is it?" Pointing and oh oh oh-ing from Ava..."Ha Ha, you owe me $3.25!" I turn to Luke and he tells me that this large hunk of metal is a deer stand and then he starts telling me how they hang this up in a tree and sit in it for hours upon hours waiting for a deer to mosey on by it. "Wow, that sounds like so much fun. Hey what do you do when you have to pee?" I like to know these things. He lets me know that they never leave the deer stand until the are done with hunting for the day. "Cool, so you just pee off the stand thingy." Luke shakes his head, and looks a bit miffed that I am not taking his serious hobby as serious as it needs to be. "What if you fall off the damn thing while you are trying to pee?" More yelling from Ava "OOoohhhhhh now you owe me $3.50!" I tell her she needs to start paying us rent. She sticks her tongue out at me. Then she asks Luke what he needs to hang out in a tree all day for. I decide to answer this one

Rit: Did you know Luke was in a movie once?
Ava: No, cool, which one.
Rit: Bambi
Ava: What are you talking about? (serious amount of 9 year old attitude, her b-day was Wed)
Rit: He shot Bambi's mom and this weekend he going to hunt down Bambi and shoot him too.

She totally forgot all about the money I owed her and spent the night trying to get Luke to not go hunting.


Can *SG* do something to prevent this travesty?

When I was little, our neighbor across the street would go hunting deer and hang them up dead in a tree for several days. It was VERY disturbing. Don't be that guy luke. please.
No kidding. I think it really has more to do with being all manly with some of his guy friends.

But Babyjewels, do you think I would let him hang a dead deer in my tree? Come on, SuperRit doesn't even do laundry!
at least you can get a good meal of venison without having to feel guilty. just say, i must eat what my husband deems worthy of slughter. because venison is goooooooooooood. at least on the east coast anyway. not so much out here. kind of chewy, like jerky. i miss having a hunter in the family now that my grandfather is gone. not that i condone it or want to take part in any of it. but i sure never minded going in the freezer for what was left of it!
You are truely evil and I love the way you side tracked the money issue with Bambi.
Back in Western PA (also known as Pennsyltucky), you weren't officially considered a man until you bagged your first 12 point buck.

Also, I've gone on several dates to the shootin' range. Yes, yes I have.

That being said, I am not in favor of hunting. So SR needs to hide the bullets.
I really don't think he will like it. Maybe that is just what I am telling myself, my ablity for denial is unsurpassed. This is what I get for marrying someone from a town of 200 people.
this is an addiction. my step father had it. he killed them for fun and then had them stuffed. eventually he hung one in our kitchen. then we had the pleasure of looking at during every meal. it wasn't just a head either. no that would have been to "normal". it was a head and the hooves. the hooves held the gun that shot the damn thing.
end this quick so you don't have festive reminders of hunting season in your kitchen!!!
At least your dad didn't put the damn deer ASS on the wall. I'm not kidding. He had the ass stuffed and it hangs proudly on the wall for all to see. The little white tail is sticking up like it's running away and everything.
mad ethel,
you are so right. that would have been much worse.

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