Monday, January 22, 2007

What happens in Vegas...

So the hubbo is in Vegas for business. Yep, business. I buy this like I buy that Britney and Paris were just friends. I dropped him off at the airport last night. I was able to enjoy the big TV in all it's wondrous glory. Studio 60 on the sunset strip will be viewed in all it's glorious bigness this evening. Life is good.

In other news I am scared shitless of staying in a house all by my lonesome. I usually chicken out and stay with my parents. Yes, I use to live by myself for many years. Apparently living with a boy has given me some sort of force field from the bad guys. This force field disappears with every business trip and every animal shooting excursion he goes on. Last night I slept with the lights on. Mr. Rock Meyer apparently heard many killers lurking outside my home, as he would arouse me from my slumbering unicorn dream with "I'm gonna eat off your face killer" barking on four different occasions. I could go on a trip with the bags under my eyes. It's official, I'm a huge wuss. DAMN IT!!


so did your husband miss the Bears game??
I missed you!

So, why did you go away? Awesome dog.
I used to be someone else. I quit blogging around the same time you did. Yeah, that was me.
Wow, Rit, I can't believe you're really back. It's like Christmas come early. Or late. Whatevs. I'm just glad you're back! And your dog is BEAUTIFUL!
Yes, Bears game was watched. WE WON!!!!

Cookie, there are several options as to who you may be.
Welcome to my city Luke! Rit, I'm sorry I didn't know he was coming sooner. I could have kept and eye on him for you. :)

I feel the same way now. I lived on my own for quite some time, never had a problem being home alone before. Now, after living with my hubby I find myself waiting up until he comes home from work at 3 AM because I am too scared to go to sleep on my own.
i recently slept with the lights on as well. which pisses me off because i like to think "i am woman, hear me roar" - i don't need a man. but as soon as night falls, i am checking under all the beds, in the closets and turning on the burglar alarm. i'm a wuss.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

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  • Wholesome Baby Food
  • Cotton Babies
  • A little Pregnant
  • The Cloth Diaper whisperer
  • Little Man Chase
  • Shaken Mama
  • Karla Babble
  • Mad Ethel
  • The Blinding Glare
  • I think therefore I am Frustrated
  • Bore-a-phil!
  • Conti
  • H-Town Girl
  • Life, Las Vegas Style
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