Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Gifted, of course he is!!

My son has hit most of his milestones early. Held his head up the day he was born. Mastered rolling over back to front & front to back by 4 months. Sitting by five months. Most parents would be through the moon, bragging, excited for how advanced their offspring is. Not me. I know what all this early business means. Number one, they all even out anyway and he will do something else painfully late. More importantly, the amount of time that I am able to sit him down in a room, come back and he will still be there playing with the age appropriate toy I left him with will be short. And they were. At 7 months he was crawling. But really, he just uses crawling as a means to an end. His main goal is to get to the thing he has decided he wants to pull himself up on. Coffee table, the dishwasher, the dog. Anyone who has seen his moves say something like this "My kid/grandkid/nephew/friend's kid was like that and they walked at 10 months." It's always 10 months. Not 11, not 9, but ten months. So, I possibly have 2 more months until my job gets much harder.
My kid is also the one who likes to stick everything in his mouth. Yes, I know all kids like to do this...but El Beaner is special. He may do things early physically, but here is what he was doing while I was typing the first paragraph

When I said "Tim, what are you doing?" He looks at me

And goes back to licking the wall. Yes, he is my kid alright!
Labels: crawling, milestones, Timmers
Ritmeyer, 3:47 PM
My daughter walked at 9 months, 32 days.
Why did no one tell me Rit's back?
Hey Rit! Remember me? I tried to come back to blogging but apparantly you need Internet access, who knew?
(fuzzy muffin with a twist)
Tin, thanks for th hope.
Hey Sarah! Yeah, I hear the internet is an important part of blogging. I don't get all that computor mumbo jumbo.
Rit! I saw your comment on Gifted (which I realize is an extremely ironic name for any blog I'm associated with)
Your baby is so cute!!
Hi Tim...long time no see!
you're cracking me up! i FINALLY read this after 5 months, and it looks like you've stopped blogging again. ;) oh well.
just wanted to tell you that i have a gifted and weird kid too. she used to crawl up, now walks up, to anything mouth-level and just open her mouth and put her tongue on it. walls, doors, windows. it's so strange.
and mine started walking at 10 months. so i'm wondering if tim did too?! she's running now at 15 months.
hope you're well!