Thursday, September 22, 2005

I know you're upset fellow bloggers, I'll be back Monday

So, today is my last day of work for the week. Karen and Tom's wedding is this weekend, and tomorrow is a day filled with getting my hair did and a mani & pedi. I'm getting all excited for my three day weekend when I realise that I don't have the shirt that Luke is wearing in the wedding!

Let me back up. I have not been commenting on this wedding and I will not really go into it to much since, well this is the freakin' internet. I have not let any of my friends know the address to my blog, you know in case I want to call one of them a slut or something. But here we go, this wedding has potential to be a huge disaster. Outdoor reception-no tents in case of rain, girls really fancy ($260 not including alterations fancy), guys wearing suits ($80 my husband made a face & looked at me w/ disgust suit) with no ties, and the reception is at a place called The Pit. No shit. I don't even think I could make something like this up. If any of you have seen father of the bride, you know Maculay's younger brother even knows that you don't want the words THE PIT on a wedding invitation. Whatever. I get an excuse to have a mani & pedi which I desperately need, and my husband gets to put tables and chairs up at a place called the pit all day. (The pit is not bad, it is many acres of land with a man made lake on it and wood deck that we will dance the night away on. It is, however uncovered, has one bathroom and called The Pit)

Oh by the way, anything that she still hasn't done we are doing tomorrow. One example would be her programs. Yep, her programs still weren't even brought to a kinko's or someplace as of last night. Here's a little clue as to how organized this wedding is. I'm doing the centerpieces (which I was asked to do 2 weeks ago), and when we were going over all the info I needed last week here is the conversation:

Rit: How many centerpieces do you need?
K: Uh, I don't know?
Rit: Do you want one on every table?
K: Yes.
Rit: Well, how many tables do you have?
K: Um, I think 20. (260 people at this wedding)
Rit: Uh, Karen you might want to figure that out. Are the tables an 8 top or 10 top?
K: What?
Rit: How many people can sit at each table?
K: Oh, 10 I think.
Rit: Where are you going to seat the other 60 people?
K: Uh, uh, I uh.
Rit: Ok, figure it out and let me know tomorrow so I know I have enough of everything. (she didn't figure it out until this monday) Ok, what kind of arrangement do you want on the gift table?
K: Gift table?

I will end the conversation there. I don't feel bad for her at all. Four months ago I found out just how much they hadn't done (she had her dress and bridesmaid dresses...that's it for a freakin' 260 people wedding!) and wrote her a list of wedding must do's with order of importance. I have done alot of it with her, and want her day to be awesome. I'm just crossing my fingers 'soon to be mani'd & not at work tomorrow' fingers.

Have a great weekend all!


Wow. Good luck with that one, girl. I guess what really matters is if she's happy on her day. Regardless if it's held at THE PIT or not. BTW: Is she a Harley chick?
Yes, happy good-crying bad! I love these two people with all my heart, but if this goes well I will be amazed and totally happy. They have so many people that love them that it just may pull together, and I hope to god it does.

No, she is not a Harley chick so I added a discription of the pit to the post
Oh, well that's not bad at all. Just hope for good weather. :)
Two weeks ago there was a part of me that wanted things to go badly. You know, the whole I told you so factor. Plus there are other things that go along with this that I will not post. Needless to say, I have keep envisioning a girl in a bridal dress crying and that isn't fun. Well, ok it would be fun but not to see Karen cry.
Have fun at the wedding. I hope the weather permits. I can't imagine they don't have a backup plan. That's insane. Give us all the details on monday.
Oh, details and pictures. My friend Molly borrowed her mom's memory card so we have my memory card + hers + her mom's.

No back up plan=insanity!
I have to add this, babyjewels. I asked her about tents 3 weeks ago. She said "Well, the people that really care about us will stay and come no matter what." My husband & I love them both, they were in our wedding. We're not standing in the damn rain, me in formal attire, him in a cheap suit!
You're about the best friend ever to do all that stuff for her. I can't wait to hear all about it.
your friend must be either really lazy or really mellow. I would think most brides-to-be would be freaking out about every last detail months in advance.

Good luck!
I hope the weather's nice. Being wet and being drunk are only fun when it's on purpose.

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