Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I love talking about me

100 things about Rit (ok first 60 or so, I have to leave right now)

100: I am the oldest of four children
99: My Dad really wanted a boy first, so I played every sport there was
98: My Mom really wanted a girl first, so I took jazz, tap and ballet until I was 15
97: I was a very confused tomboy/princess
96: I used to sing all the time when I was little, The Sun will Come Out, Sympathy for the Devil, Stairway to Heaven, my Dad made me listen to his music and now I am eternally grateful
95: I wore my Wonder Woman underoos with my red cowboy boots and a laso I made everwhere for 6 months. I protected the neighborhood from evildoers.
94: When my parents sat me down to tell me that I was having a little sis/bro, I thought the big news was that they were taking me to disney world. Oh well, she ended up being fun to play with.
93: Even though we are 4 years apart, my mom dressed my sister and I in matching outfits until I was 7.
92: I thought I would one day grow up to be the rollerskating campion of the world. I don't know if they even have such a thing, but I lived in those suckers and dreamed big!
91: We have a surprise for you..."We're going to Disney World!" Nope, I was fooled again Mom is pregnant. My sister is pissed. She ends up trying to flush my brother down the toliet.
90: Ever year I asked Santa for a dog. The bastard never gave me one. Resentment is still burning against that jolly fat prick!
89: I went to 5 different schools by the time I was in fourth grade because we moved alot.
88: I went to catholic schools until I was eighteen.
87: I was not tempted to assume a disney trip the time they told me about my brother, "happy surprise" Joey.
86: My neighbor and I would put on plays all the freakin time. We did "the amy fischer story" and dressed up my 3 year old brother Joey as Joey Buttafuocco. We made him say "Man that chick is fine." I played Mary Jo and was quite good at paralyzing one side of my face. Some of the other parents were horrified, ours were drunk off margeritas and fell out of their chairs.
85: I had a perm in the 6th grade.
84: I was pretty bossy.
83: I had a crush on this older guy down the street. He was 13, I was 11. He wore biker shorts with a tee shirt.
82: I smoked a cig the first time on a camping trip on my 13th birthday. I puked.
81: I was a scared to do anything wrong up until then.
80: I had my first kiss when I was a freshman in highschool with a boyfriend that looked like Jude Nelson in The Breakfast Club.
79: That night I also got drunk for the first time and smoked without puking.
78: I was president of my class, student council president in later years, and played basketball.
77. I dated a guy just because my best friend was dating his best friend and she told him I liked him. I didn't. He broke up with me first. I was pissed off.
76: I dated alot of guys because of one reason and one reason alone, my parents would hate them.
75: I was preppy until my junior year in highschool, then I tried out grunge. Not a look I pulled off successfully.
74. I partied my ass off in Highshool.
73: I was the female Eddie Haskell, which was good for all the partying.
72: I threw a party when my parents went out of town while I was grounded for 300 people. I got totally busted.
71: I went to an all girls highschool where nuns still taught.
70: I loved to argue that all the miracles in the Bible had scientific explanations just to see the nuns eyes bug out of there heads.
69: I spent alot of time in detention.
68: I went to church 6 days a week until I was 14.
67: I wrote in a journal from the sixth grade until today.
66: I majored in Art.
65: I majored in Sociology.
64: I majored in Marketing and Public Relations.
63 I majored in Graphic Art.
62: I majored in Early childhood education.
61: I majored in Sex. (Kidding)
60: I was undeclared for awhile.
59: I was kicked out of Mizzou for getting a 0.25. I majored in boys and beer, too.
58: It is easy to get back in school, but my parents rightfully cut me off.
57: I like to learn things the hard way.
56: I had a boyfriend for 3 years in highschool.
55. I didn't date anyone seriously again until I was 20.
54: That lasted 1 year.
53: I saw 10 grateful dead shows and the last one before Jerry died.
52: I don't like Phish.
51: I love Dave Matthews, my husband knows I would leave him for Dave. Yep!
50: I started dating my husband when I was 22. We were roomates at the time.
49: He is 2 years younger than me.
48. I never have dated anyone my age, much less younger. It freaked me out. I wouldn't go on a date with him for 6 months.
47. I met my husband because I was dating his roomate. They kicked him out because he was a total pothead and asked me to move in...so was I at the time. Tee, hee.
46: That was the biggest party house I have ever lived in, our roomate Laura hated us.
45: Well me.
42: I worked at Famous Barr in the fragrance department for 2 years during college. I spent most of my paycheck on clothes and shoes.
41: I love getting mani's and pedi's.
40: I don't do it as often and I would like too.
39: I am anal retentive when it comes to my house, living with a boy has been trying.
38: My car is a moving trash can. What can I say I am a walking contradiction!
37: Luke and I broke up for a year and a half, ran into each other and started dating again. Now we are married.


I loved loved your list, and echoo lulu - 86 is the best. God I loved it.

51: I love Dave Matthews, my husband knows I would leave him for Dave. Yep!

I just like his music.
That was fantastic! I learned so much. Not to be redundant, but I almost died at #86. Awesome!

The Luke story is very cool. It's always interesting to see how those important relationships evolve.
Yes, in my sister's toast at my wedding she mentioned #86...how often are the names Amy Fischer & Joey Buttafuocco in a wedding toast? Our neighborhood was awesome, oh the stories. My parents were fun! I'm going to finish the list this morning.
Did you get tagged to do this? Damn that's a lot of bloody info.


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