Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Oooooohhhhh, your in troouuble!

Names have been changed so I don't end up grounded!!
I didn't get to see Laguna last night. Lightening didn't strike my house again, thank god, I had a little old school drama. I'm 28, my uncle Keff is 34. There is a reason for this information, oh yes and it is classic.

My uncle left me a message last night and I get back to him at 8:45. Mistake #1. He tells me that he got a call from my Aunt Tue. Taking a call from her...Mistake #2. It's always drama, drama, drama. She tells him that when she took Mema (my grandma) to lunch the other day, she was very upset. You see, it seems my Mom (Qam) somehow let slip that my uncle Keff and uncle Nike used to buy me beer in high school. Which they didn't actually do, we just partied together and I usually already had the beer. Tue was upset with Keff. She said Mema was crying and upset. Crying? Neither of us can see that, Mema's a strong Irish Catholic lady, pissed would be our guess. Keff asked me what the hell I told my mom. "I don't freaking remember, that was like 10 years ago and I certainly would not have told her then." He agreed this seemed unlikely. So tonight I get to call aunt Tue and ask her what the hell went down with Mema, as in "I'm going to have to have lunch with Mema to smooth this over, so what really was said." Also, her kids used to party with us too and I'm going to tell her and Mema. So there!

Then I called my mom and asked her why the hell she told Mema this and she was like...huh? Then it hit her. "Shit, I was commenting on how overprotective Keff is with his son and was laughing that he used to buy beer and party with you. She didn't seem upset then." Thanks mom, thanks a million. Your flappy yappy not only put me and Keff in the dog house with Mema 10 years after the fact, I have now missed Laguna. It was 9:40.


Oh man, that sucks. I hate family drama. But in this case, I think they should just let it go.

Laguna was def. better this week than last. Alex wasn't half as "crazy bitch" on casey as she was on Jessica. The rumor she started about alex is actually very very funny. I'm not going to spoil it for you, since Laguna is on about 3x a day.
Don't believe the hype, underage drinking rules.
Baby-You'd really think that this would not be an issue, but it is.

Rob- Yes, it is my friend. Yes it is! Even my mom knows that!!
drama drama drama! eh, you'd be bored without it.

maybe not...

what's with this insane word verification? all i can think of is fudge... "ogbufdge"

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