Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Rest of the stuff about me...I don't care if you care!

The first 64 questions are in a post below this one, check them out if you are really freakin' bored.

36: I've been handcuffed by the police on my front lawn in a bikini with beer cans everywhere. They let me go.
35: I used to drunk dial my ex-boyfriends and tell them what I thought of them. (You will see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree)
34: I am not friends with any of my ex-boyfriends.
33: I owned a '85 Volvo in highschool that we called the Vulva, it is still my favorite car.
32: I owned a white honda CRX that we called Nanu Nanu aka The Egg. (70's TV reference)
31: We called my mom's mini van The Shaggin' Wagon.
30: I liked to name cars, I do not currently own a vehicle that has been named, you gotta grow up sometime.
29: I am obsessed with People, US, and Star. While watching movies or TV, I will tell you who's brother's/sister's/cousin that is and who they are dating/divorced from/affairing with. This drives my husband crazy...but I can't help myself.
28: My siblings and I communicate with movie lines. For hours on end we amuse ourselves with lines from anything with Chris Farley, Adam Sandler, Chevy Chase, we especially like to break into song "Oh, Kyle's mom is a big fat bitch" we often ask ourselves what Brian Boytano would do...well we will do lines from anything. My brother does a mean Arnie, Babyjewels.
27: I am a trend whore, yes I have the big sunglasses. When people complement me on something, my husband loves to say "Did you know it is totally IN right now!" He loves to mock me.
26: I read 1 to 2 books a week.
25: I love to smoke, but we are going to get that electric shock thingy in our ears to quit next week. I will chain smoke until then. I will miss my friend ciggy.
24: I love independant films. The stranger the better.
23: I have started to paint and draw again.
22: Sometimes I can't help but say to my husband "Luke, I am your father" into a fan. I try to get him to have light saber wars with me and shit.
21: I hate running, but I do it 3 times a week.
20: I put on 25 lbs since my wedding.
19: I started working out again and doing "the life change" not a diet, thanks Oprah! I've lost 5 lbs.
18. I used to be way too obessed with my weight, it is progress that I don't hate myself for the post-wedding gain.
17: I hate to cry.
16: I love to laugh.
15: My mom likes to drunk dial me when she is out with the girls. I love to mess with her, it's really fun.
14: I can't hide the way I feel about something/someone. I used to hate that about myself but my husband says 1. I am never fake 2. you always know where you stand with me 3. We usually don't like the same people and because they can tell I don't like them they don't try to make much small talk. (Luke is as selfish as I am.)
13: I worked for a non-profit organization in college, lobbied in DC for the National Arctic Wildlife Refuge bill, and met Ralph Nader. Bush promtly dismantled it when he got in office.
12: I'm a democrate and my husband used to be Union.
11: My parents are upper-class republicans. Political disscussions are fun around the Thanksgiving table.
10: On breaks from college, I walked around the house with Al Frankin's Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Idiot to piss my Dad off. He in turn would get me out of bed to watch his late night talk show. I bought him Al's most recent book for christmas last year(The lies...). Tee hee.
9: I love to go camping and hiking, we go at least every other weekend until October. My parents idea of camping is staying at a Holiday Inn. Sometimes we all wonder aloud, just where the hell I came from.
8: You mess with my family, I'll make your life hell.
7: My husband wants kids now, I want to wait 2 years. I made him watch Desperate Houswives last year and I'm afraid he is trying to pull a Carlos. I am thinking of buying a lock box from my birth control.
6: I am still a daddy's girl.
5: I enjoy growing my hair long and then chopping it off.
4: I am obsessed with Celebrity Poker. I love to play texas hold'um. Two of my favorite things in one! Kick Ass!
3: I hate watching more than one game of football, so I try to manipulate Sunday's to get my husband out of the house and over to Tom's. Usually bringing up my feelings about something gets him outta there pretty quick. I will also resort to fake crying, yeah I do.
2: I still love starting water fights, I have supersokers in my trunk at all times.
1: I will watch Saved by the Bell reruns on TV. Yes, I just saw the one where Jessi is addicted to diet pills (speed) and gives her little "I'm so excited, I'm so so scared Zack!" speech. She was robbed of an emmy.


Very nice finish..enjoyed the list!
If I were "uninhibited", I imagine I would have a list a lot like yours. You sound like a really fun person. I gotta learn to not be so negative. And afraid of the government.
Oh, always question the government, just have fun with it!
Regets and inhibitions are for the birds, only rule of thumb I now live by...the laws are not for breaking. Well, the big ones.

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