Monday, October 17, 2005

100 Things Wrong with Me-Part Tre

Thank you Karla for this ingenius idea. She is one of my favorites!! Who gives a rats ass about good things about me? When Karla said to look deep within myself, I did. She's right, what is there is bad.

Half the folks in Blogland have a 100 Things list, in which they detail 100 miscellaneous facts about themselves, usually along the lines of "I love to cook," and "I'm a Scorpio." I looked deep inside me, and found there's just not much there. What is there is bad. Therefore, I give you my list of 100 Things Wrong With Me. To cut down on the odds that you'll fall asleep reading it, I've broken it up into parts. (from Karla, she is brilliant)


21. My husband gets up very early for work, so he goes to sleep earlier than I do. Sometimes when I walk into the bedroom and look at my precious boo boo kitty head all quiet and sleeping, I can't help but drive bomb the bed, load him up with some rasberries, and then promptly roll over and go to sleep. For some strange reason he does not like this. I guess it is because it wakes him up. I know this as I look at him all peaceful, but the devil makes me do it.

22. If I know that you don't like me, I enjoy making you dislike me even more than you already do. I have a friend who says she tries to get people that don't like her TO like her. I don't understand where the fun is in that? Usually I don't care much for the people that don't like me, so it really works out well. For example, my friend Sarah is friends with this girl I find totally obnoxious. She is one of those nose in the air, only buys name brands so she can tell you about it, name dropping little bitches. My parents have money and I went to private schools my whole life, so girls like this are my speciality and I have made it my personal mission to deflate egos every chance I get. The night I met her she made some comment about mixed race couples and how horrible that was, especially to have a mixed baby. I looked her dead in the eye and told her my highschool boyfriend was black and we had a child together. I then watched her stammer and studder, while I gave her the evil eye. Sarah told her I was lying and then she glared at me. I started laughing asked her her if it sucks being a racist. To my shock and surprise, she told Sarah she didn't like me. Darn. Everytime luck shines upon Rit to have this girl in my presence, I have me a little fun. The last exchange we had involved some name dropping about how she could get us really great tickets to a certain sport in St. Louie because she knew the president of the team's wife. She told some story about some exchange she had with this women and blah, blah just eating up the possiblity that people will think she is so great that she knows these people. Like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, I knew her story was bullshit. I lived next door to these people growing up and they are my parents friends. Boy did I have fun outing her crap to a room full of people. I just can't help myself in these situations.

23. When someone gives me a compliment, I always respond with "Hell yeah I am!" I used to talk people out of complements and my mom told me it was rude, so now sarcasm reigns supreme. If you come up to me and tell me that my hair looks really good like that, I say "Hell yeah it does!". My wedding day was the ultimate compliment zone. If you have been married you know everyone tells you how beautiful you look, how special it was, etc. Every 30 seconds I was telling some person that Hell yeah I'm freaking beautiful, Hell yeah it was a great ceremony, Hell yeah my Dad is going to be broke, Hell yeah my husband is hot, Hell yeah we're gonna do it cause I'm so damn hot in this dress! I also continously screamed up until the ceremony "I'm getting married TO-DAY, a-whoo-hoo!! al la Chandler Bing with my sister and brothers. I made my bridesmaids to it too. After the I do's I yelled "I'm SO married, a whoo-hoo!" People really should have kept me away from the Starbucks, I accept no responcibilty.

24. On a stretch of road that is deserted, I enjoy yelling "Pretend we're in Europe" and then drive in the wrong lane while talking in a British accent. I only do this when I have someone else in the car just to see there heart stop for a moment. They will yell at me to get in the right lane and I smile and say I don't speak american in my british accent. I won't get back over until they talk with the accent or another car comes along.

25. Every now and again I decide that my taebo and pilates workouts have made me so strong that I can take out my husband. I come up behind him, grab his arm and kick his leg out from under him. Twenty minutes later while I'm in some sort of contorted position on the floor telling him that I've got him right where I want him, I realise I'm never gonna get out of this hold he has me in. I cry and tell him he is hurting me. He isn't, but because he would never want to hurt me, he quickly lets me go and says I'm sorry about ten times. I jump up, give him a dirty look, then stick my tongue out at him, laugh and run really fast away from him. Somehow I believe that this means I win.

26. I love to watch real crime shows on A&E. The problem is they make me paranoid that someone will come into our house and kill, rape and torture us, so naturally I sometimes watch them before I go to bed. I triple check the locks go upstairs and put my dresser infront of the bedroom door as quiety as possible so Luke has no idea that I am doing this again. I then put something on the dresser that if moved will make a really loud noice to alert me of my killer. Luke will get up to go to the bathroom and not be able to find the door, flip on the light and yell at me to stop watching those damn shows. I also have a hammer and my mace under my nightstand. The worst time was 2 weeks ago when my favorite Cold Case Files was on and St. Charles, MO flashed on the screen. I screamed and called my friend, sure that this was right near my house. There were booby traps all over my house after that episode. Skywalker put a parental control on A&E, but I am going to start watching Numbers to help me crack his code.

27. I hate paying bills, I would rather spend the money on pretty things for me. When a bill comes in the mail, I say "Curse you damn bill". Then when I go to pay the bill on bill pay, I wine and moan all the way to the computor saying outloud, "I don't want to pay the bills, bills suck! I hate being a grown up." I stop just short of throwing myself on the ground and screaming "I'm not paying the bills, no I'm not" and bursting into tears. Ok, I did that once and my roomates thought I was crazy, which wasn't why I stopped doing that because I don't care if people think that. One of my roomates was messy and I landed on something hard and it hurt real bad.

28. My husband and I want to wait until we have been married two years or so to have kids. Whenever we are around kids, it makes him want them right now. He then begins to pester me about going off the pill for a good 2 weeks. Now when we are around kids that are old enough to speak, I tell them to do ignorant stuff to my husband to make him question having them now. Yesterday we were at my company's regional chili cook off picnic and there we a ton of kids. I had a gang of 5 year old boys go up to him and kick him and throw balls at his head. I had some little girls ask him to get his face painted and the women and wives were in on it and gave him flowers and butterflies all over his face and head (he shaves his head bald) and then they told him how pretty he was all day. Uh, the guys I work with told him too. Tee hee.

29. I laugh when people get hurt. Not getting hit by an 18 wheelers hurt, but fall and skin your knee hurt. If you bang your head on my car when you get in it, I crack up.

30. My friend's husband hates to say the word sex, he always says "we did it". They have a baby and everytime I see it, I say "you got this because you did it" and then I giggle for ten minutes. I make opportunities to say this and no one else finds it funny but me. While we are hanging out I say things like, "Hey, Ned why didn't Kerry answer the phone last night when I called." Ned "I don't know?" Me "Were you doing it!" Insane laughter from me, eye rolling from everyone else.


I just had this epiphany that I'm going to start making people who dislike me, dislike me even more. At this point if you don't like me, then I doubt I can get you to change your mind. So oh well.
Lulu-I embrace my dorkdom.

Heather B.-It is very much fun annoying people who don't like you. I don't like everyone, so naturally everyone isn't going to like me. I accept this, it's just fun to piss off the people I really don't like!
i get my biggest laughs by watching people fall down! i love america's funniest home videos when people fall. and that's why i peed my pants when that woman singing the national anthem at a hockey game fell down on the ice.

karma is going to make me fall REALLY big one day.
love them all again. Especially the pretend we're in Europe one.

And if a little girl came up to me and asked me to get my face painted with her, it would make me want kids because thats so cute. (oh yeah, too late)
That information was too little, too late Tim. I think he has stolen my pills this time. Apparently no amount of girly face paint and men making fun of you can mask the cuteness of little children. Even the boys kicking him made him laugh.
Number 22 is me all the way. I just love to tell racists that my husband is black (even though he isn't) just to watch them squirm.

Your life could be a sitcom. You're hilarious!
I think this is my favorite installment to-date. Love 22 and I also freak myself out with AE crime stuff. Also stuff about hauntings which they are notorious for too.
Oh yes, the ghost living in my house accounts for things that have been moved around. No, my husband moves nothing. It is our ghost. Plain and simple.
Yes, I still have no idea why she hangs out with this girl. Sarah is very nice and not at all racist. It is my personal mission to get her to hate this girl.

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