Thursday, October 13, 2005

Worst Prom Date Ever!

This is not a reference to me even though I threw up on my principal the nun and was booted from Prom. I still owe my ex money for his tux. Anywho, I finally caught the last two episodes of Laguna and let my just say WFT! (according to BabyJewels that means What Fuck, Thee and I like it!)

First, I have to say that Talan looks like the penis to the balloon balls. Ahhhh, I just needed to say that. I feel much better. Now on with the recap.

Why do these kids have to ask people to dances all fancy like. I asked my boyfriend to prom while he was holding my hair for me while I puked during a keg party when I was visiting him at college. He asked me to his prom two years earlier by saying, "Hey, my prom's in 3 weeks go buy a dress". Gorilla suits? Who is this Jeff C., wait or was it Jeff B.? Shit, the guy who asked blond Alex not brown Alex... Oh my god they need to change these kids names so we can tell them apart!

Kristen managed to lose my love. I have always maintained that she is highschool perfection, what with all the backstabbing and such, but after the whining and moaning of "I don't think I'm going to get asked to prom" and the way she treated Talan I'm so over it! Don't miss understand me, I think Talan is a whipped little boy. He said he had been trying to ask her for a year. Who spends a year trying to ask someone to prom? Was he running around in a gorilla suit and she thought that it had escaped from the zoo? Did he leave clues Kristen couldn't find and sat in a cardboard box on the beach for days? He is a tool. None the less, I don't L-U-V Kristen anymore. (FYI, in the episode before this one, she and blond Alex were definately on drugs, X is my guess).

Jessica was surprisingly annoying free. When I came to after realising that, I saw brown Alex making out with The Walking Puke. Sad, but I'm hoping they were drunk. The morning after talks with each main character's sidekicks were enlightening and full of useful information. Brown Alex let us know that if you make out with someone else's date you will have your best prom ever. Kristen informed all that if you think your date is mad at you, just hope that he hooked up with some random girl and pissed off her date. Talan/Jason/Cedric just high-fived at the mention of making out with girls. The most fabulous news was that Casey looked like a hooker, everyone was in agreement on that!

I don't even want to mention who I saw hooking up with The Walking Pube next week...


Wow, I think between the Laguna Beach recaps you and MysteryGirl! give, I am fully up to date on all the goings-on without ever actually watching the show. ;)
That was chock full of recap yumminess. Yes! Talan/penis and the ballon testes. Love it.

WFT indeed.
I feel so fancy and edumacated when I say WFT.
Heather, if I was to comment on all things witty that you say I would have to follow you around where ever you go and then I would have no time to do anything else! (good, huh!)
Isn't Casey's dress the EXACT same dress Sheryl Crow wore to the grammys a year ago? ( loser.
Okay, I can see how Kristin was a bit annoying, but wasn't it hilarious how Talan was just like her little bitch all evening? Didn't anyone tell him that promdates are just extraneous, because prom is really just about girls: girls taking pictures together and running around?

I also loved the part where Alex kept bugging Kristin, "what will you do if noone asks you? what if Talan doesn't ask?" haha

And the man-kiss pre-prom! Yikes.
at 25 i am officialy old.
as my mother often says, "that is a handkerchief masqurading as a dress." in this case she is right. well actually, it looks like two or three tied together.
The Walking Pube. That is too funny! I'm really sad about the next episode hook-up, I hope it doesn't happen.

Talan needs to get over Kristen, what is it with guys not giving up on her she's a bitch! Damn Steven and Talan!

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