Monday, October 10, 2005

Oh, that red light means it's off, good!

Here is Kate Moss doing lines of coke. I saw this on The Defamer. While not at all shocking, I was surprised that this is the second video of her doing lines. I don't know about you, but I get concerned when people whip out the camera while I'm putting something illegal up my nose. Call me crazy, but no one will ever see video of Rit snorting cuban cigars or illegal immigrants. I'm too smart for that stuff.


we shouldn't rush to judgment. maybe she's just sneezing... and holding a tray of sugar... that she thoughtfully arranged in lines.
I don't do coke so maybe someone can enlighten me. Do you have to take your shirt off?
lol @ lizzie. That's hilarious.

It does make you sweat...that, and you tend to do stupid shit while on it.

Ahhhhh...I miss my early 20s.
I think only the second time you are taped doing coke must you take your shirt off.
I should think it would be very difficult to snort illegal immigrants...
Better illegal immigrants than absinthe-- that would burn all the way down. :)

(I'm obviously short on illegal substances)

Is it just this screen-shot, or does that totally not look like her? She sorta looks like a dude.
she looks like a dude because she has no curves whatsoever due to the coke. she should just remove the bra. nipples don't need the support of a bra.
Maybe she had to pawn her shirt for more coke. How big a tray does one need to do a line anyway? and yes, I don't even like posing for pictures, let alone candid drug shots.
OK when I'm snorting coke I always take my shirt off because not all of it goes up the nose, sometimes it spills down your front. If you are shirtless then the skin absorbs it or you can lick it off later.
Now when I'm snorting illegal immigrants that's a different story. I tend to use an all-in-one rubber suit because of the blood, it can be darn hard to get out of fabric and rubber is much easier to wash.

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