Wednesday, October 12, 2005

First Annual Budget Meeting, Yuck!!

As you all know, Skywalker and I were married in February of this year. Which means two things, #1 I now have the spelling of February down pat, and #2 we racked up some credit card debit. Oh, and we started our life together in married bliss blah, blah. We didn't actually have to pay for the wedding or really much, but somehow we did managed to spend alot on various things. Wedding bands, thank you cards and stamps are all I can come up with and that doesn't add up to the alot we spent (honeymoon not included). To think of it Luke's band was kind of a waste since he only wears it on weekends. He claims that he could snag it on a shelf should he need to climb up one at the warehouse and it would lead to the loss of a limb. I try to tell him more chicks would hit on him if he wore it, but I am kind of like his left hand ring finger and since he already has a dead pinky as the result of a cooking incident, by cooking incident I mean to lazy to defrost two steaks stuck together and while trying to pry them apart with a steak knife he cut his hand to shit and never went doctor and can't move his pinky, I think he needs as many fingers as possible. I am getting totally off subject, which has been the problem for 8 months.

For 8 months we have talked about sitting down to figure out a budget so we can save more money. Yuck! It is not like we live beyond our means, we just could definately spend less and save more. Everytime we set a time to do this, one or both of us comes up with an excuse to postpone it. Last night's excuse was My name is Earl. We love this show. If you haven't seen it, you should. Earl is a guy who did a bunch of shitty things and then one day he finds out about Karma. So he writes a list of everything he has ever done wrong and sets out to correct the mistakes. Last night's mistake was that he broke up with a girl by having his brother tell her that he was dead. We spent the time up to the show talking about the worst excuses we gave someone to break up with them, and after the show we talked about the things we could make amends for. That is for another post. Well, we postponed the budget meeting for tonight and we are meeting at a restaurant after work with bank statements, bills, and a legal pad. However the Cardinals game is on and we both decided that a sports bar was the best atmosphere for this serious matter...


good luck with the budget, honey. tim and i have been trying to get on one too. but there's always this saying "well, that month was high because of ________" which is normally airplane tickets. sad thing is, it happens EVERY MONTH!

there is no budget. none that i'll ever be happy living within, at least. ;)
Yep, our thing has been "It's high this month because of "insert name of place we traveled to" trip. We like traveling and we hate budgets. I just am getting antsy the closer it gets to 4 when I'm out of here.
Yeah, I hear ya. I've bled money all summer by quasi-not working. (like working 8 hours a week, instead of at least 24) and what's on the horizon. Christmas.
Babyjewels, that's the deal. We want to start having little skywalkers in 2 years and for me to cut back on the hours at work to hopefully none, so we need to save some diaper money.
I tried that, but when you're married they don't pay you for blow jobs anymore.
Burn your credit cards!!! Get rid of them now!!! I hate, HATE credit cards. That's why my husband and I are going through debt consolidation right now. That, and he runs his friends new paintball store but b/c the business is still not making money, they can't afford to pay him more than six bucks an hour. (I'm holding a gun to my smiley face head) P
Okay, that didn't work so well. Screw it. Basically, I'm trying to convey the fact that I'm financially screwed.
As soon as I read the title " First Annual Budget Meeting," I fell right to sleep. Poor thing, I feel for you.
Go cards!!! Budget meeting postponed until further notice. Actually Mad Ethel our cards are paid off, but to us then that means we can spend money on trips to fun places and not save much.

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