Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Xanax anyone?

Skywalker and I are going to quit smoking on Friday. We are going to get the acupuncture in our ear thingy to help. I made the appointment yesterday and when I hung up the phone with the doctor, I started freaking out and promptly lit up! I have been chain smoking since. I love smoking, love it love IT!! But we want to die in our sleep, not as they suck the tar out of our lungs with a shop vac. Luke and I have decided to live in dillusion and not tell anyone, so I am telling all of the internet. Hey, none of our friends know about this little bloggy so I need to vent to you. Shit, I need a smoke, I'm going outside.


It is so hard and everytime I quit, the smell makes me sick and I wonder why I did it in the first place. Then I start up again, due to stress or whatever. Maybe you have the right idea with acupuncture and you have someone that you love to do it with you. Good luck!
I totally relate to what Heather B. said. I'm currently a "closet smoker" and don't really tell anyone I smoke. It's usually only in my car or at home (outside)...lol. Not sure why I don't want anyone to know.

I've always been able to quit at the drop of a hat and go for years without smoking. But, then I start again. When I'm going through a 'not smoking' phase, I am the WORST about being around smoke, smelling like smoke, smelling other peoples smoke, etc. I just cannot take it.

I once had a near death experience and when I woke up, smoking made me crack up laughing everytime I saw someone doing it. At that time, it seemed like it was SUCH a ridiculous thing for people to do knowing how bad it was for them. Not sure what that was all about...lol. The feelings only lasted for a few weeks. Maybe I 'learned' something while I was 'away'. I guess the lesson didn't stick with me.

Good luck, I'll smoke one for ya both!

- Sublime
Forgot to say... I loved the teleporting answer today at The Big Q!
#1 Skywalker is going out of town for 4 days. This is good because we broke up the last time tried to quit and we didn't even live with each other. Many of our friends are quiting too, so shit now I need another one.
smoke ganja, it's better for ya!
oops! that was me.
Yeah, Luke and I have discussed trading in the smokes for heroin. Does anyone know if that works?

One great thing about this quiting thing is I now have a great lead in for telling my husband to "Use the force Luke". Oh, this will be fun!
good luck rit! "smoking is a filthy habit" is what i love to say. that sounds rude considering i was only a social smoker in college.

i can sort of relate b/c my mom quit when i was 13 after 22 years of smoking. the accupuncture didn't work (sorry) - it was sheer will power for her.

but really - you both are going to feel so much better and be healthier. and you are going to smell better too! best of luck!
Andre and I quit smoking, too, for similar reasons. So far so good, but it's hard on the weekend when you're drinking. We didn't tell anyone, either, because if you do, everyone says things like "Oh, have you smoked yet?" and you think, "No, but now I'm thinking about it, thank you very much."
There are all sorts of ways to get help quitting.
Gum, pills, acupuncture (I know a few who have tried this and it worked), hypnosis and there are internet help groups (njquitnet.com)to name a few. The key, from what I have seen, is your actual desire to succeed. Good luck and I hope you are successful.
It took me a few tries but the last time (obviously) it just stuck. Lipsticklulu is right- at some point you just start to find it disgusting. Good luck!
Thanks for the support from all the ex-smokers. If you can do it, I can too.

Heather-I don't think anyone will have a problem pissing me off come friday.
Good luck! That's a great idea, and I know you can do it. Remember, we learned that LC does not like smoking, so Jason probably has to quit, too. So do it for LC!
Good for you, and good luck!

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