Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hello Darkness my old Friend

Yeah, my friend if your definition of friend is someone who makes you totally depressed, angry, and want to sleep all day. I hate, I repeat HATE that it starts getting dark at 4:15 pm here in good ole' St. Louis. I wake up at like 5:30 am because the sun is a-shine'in in my window, I'm instantly pissed. I don't need to be up intil 6:30 am after 3 hits of the snooze button. I pull the covers over my head and no one. My husband is already gone and at work. I go to work, having dialed down my attitude from hate to happy. I work/blog the day away. Wow it's 4 pm almost time to go home. As I push the door to my building open, it pitch freakin' dark and my depression settles in. I drive home headlights lighting my way, cursing winter for shrouding me in darkness. I get home and don't want to cook anything, I just want to curl up on the couch and try to watch TV while nodding off. If a friend wants to meet for coffee or dinner I say "I don't know" in a tired, put upon voice. They know, they have been here before. It takes me until after Thanksgiving to get used to Winter and want to leave my house.


well, if it's any consolation, daylight savings time will be a month longer starting in 2007.
Is that for real? 2007? I wonder why?
Yes, I've found myself coming home and plopping down on the couch and then eventually dozing off around 8 pm. Let me tell you, 12 hours of sleep does wonders for you! The winter blues suck, though. I never want to do anything.
Winter blues, I spit on you!

Tim-Are you serious? (I didn't know what to say since I don't get whether that means that it will be springing forward or falling back for a month longer)

Mead Ethel- We need to stick together during these tring times.
Wow, I really messed up my responce to Mad Ethel. Ha ha
I am a Fake and Bake whore. As soon as that nasty Alaskan winter hits, I'm at the tanning place at least two times a week, and it's the only thing that gets me through!
yes, it's true. Spring will start 3 weeks earlier, and fall will start 1 week later.

See here.
Tim-thanks for clarifying. Yippee! a whole week less of depression, my husband will be so happy.
Girl, wait until AFTER you leave work to drink! How do you keep from getting caught?!
I just act drunk when I'm not. They all think I'm disabled.
i guess we will have something to thank dubya for after all. more daylight savings time may be the greatest or only (depending on how you look at it) accomplishment of this administration.

PS in washington dc today, it was dark at 3:30. let me just tell you how much that sucks. A HELL OF A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used to feel exactly like that. Until I started working 3 AM to 12 PM and have to be asleep by 6 PM in order to get any good amount of rest. Now this is my favorite time because during the summer it is SO HARD to try and make myself go to sleep when the sun is blazing outside until 9PM.

I need a new job...

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Location: St. Louis, MO

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