Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Working instead of Blogging, what?

Can you believe it?! I have been super busy today and may not have the time to post much, but I know my huge audience of 5 or so would be bored as hell if I didn't post something so here goes.

My day started with me waking up covered in sweat. Apparently Missouri didn't get the memo that it is No-freakin-vember- it was 75 yesterday and I refuse to turn on the AC or take off the blanket that is between my sheet and my down comforter. I'm dreaming of an actual winter weather christmas!

I get to work and my boss bought me a Starbucks Pumpkin Latte, yummy for my tummy. Speaking of tummies, I have gained 10 lbs since I quit smoking 20 days ago. Seriously, I have weighed myself. So I called Skywalker this morning after my damn pants wouldn't button and told him that we are going for an hour long run after work. Ok a walk. How else will I eat my McDonald's? But really, what is more unattractive A fat Ass or A Trach?

Now it is 12:20, I have been slammed at work and I have ordered chinese food for lunch. Maybe I will walk around the office building whilst I eat my crab rangoon. Yes, that sounds nice.


i've been working instead of blogging for like 2 weeks now. it sucks. i'm not entertained by my work at all.

don't fret the weight gain. at least if you're noticing it, you can do something about it. my mom gained 35 pounds when she quit. you won't have that problem though. not if you keep eating mickey D's - that's health food!
Lulu-I thought a fat ass would be more attractive.

Beebers-That's my dilema, who'd a thunk that MCd's, taco bell, crossants, ice cream, and tollhouse cookies would make you fat?
Oooohhhh, fabulous idea Lulu ya fat ole' heffer.
Heeey, those dimples mean my ass is smiling at you.

Seriously, someone come here and remove my snacks. I apologize now for the fist fight we'll get into.

And also, I'm not able to blog from work and it's really hard on me. I need a support group for it.

Good job on the quitting smoking. It's super hard.
Baby "kick em in da" Jewels- Hard and making me fat.

Also, that support group is called WWCBAA the workers who can't blog anymore anonymous. My boss gave me that, I believe he is trying to tell me something.
working out is for out people.
Tim- What? out people. Does that mean working out is out so then those people that workout are out. My head hurts.
where do i sign up to watch you hillarious heiffers work out?
just jokin, you ppl are a riot to read but like everything else internets wise i'm so fookun lost i have no idea how i wandered in here.....

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Location: St. Louis, MO

Past Genuis

  • Wholesome Baby Food
  • Cotton Babies
  • A little Pregnant
  • The Cloth Diaper whisperer
  • Little Man Chase
  • Shaken Mama
  • Karla Babble
  • Mad Ethel
  • The Blinding Glare
  • I think therefore I am Frustrated
  • Bore-a-phil!
  • Conti
  • H-Town Girl
  • Life, Las Vegas Style
  • Blogger

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