Monday, November 21, 2005
To Marisa
Since I can't comment on
your blog because of stupid work and them firewalling haloscan, I wanted to take this time to say I hope that your mouth feels better. This reminds me of when I had my wisdom teeth dug from my head.
This also may be called Dumb Thing I've Done #458
I waited until one of my wisdom teeth that had grown in actually started moving my other teeth thus causing severe headaches before I gave in and said fine, take them. I was 20 and on winter break from college. My friends and I always went to Colorado to ring in the New Year so I decided to fit both in. Yes, I could do it. Oral surgeon friend of my parents be damned. He totally didn't know better than me!
Day of Teeth Yankage: My mommy drove me. I was getting put under and she suggested that they give me the gas before the attempted to put a needle in my arm. (I have a severe phobia of needles) The DR. thought that was unnessasary, my mom said " Go ahead but I warned you. Oh and she may be more pissed because I swore to her that you don't use needles to put people out." I am sitting in the chair when he walks in. He pulls out this needle thing and I start freaking out, jump out of the chair and run out the door screaming "she lied to me!" Needless to say 5 minutes later I am laughing my ass off telling the Dr., whom I have babysat his kids for years, that this is better than shrooms but not better than acid. Nice. I wake up groggy. They call my mom in. We leave and head to get my pain meds filled. Doc said that the pain meds he already gave me would wear off in 8 hours, but we should go ahead and start taking the script. 15 minutes later I am in serious pain. 8 hours my ass. We start me on some lame little pain meds. Mom gets me all situated. I want to take the shit in my mouth that is mopping up the blood out, but my mom said I had to keep them in there for a couple hours and by then I would have clotted. I need to rest up because I am leaving in the morning for the 10 hour drive to Boulder, Colorado...Woo Hoo! 5 hours later I wake up with my head splastered to my pillow. What? I try to call for my mom. I can't so I picked up a book of her nightstand and threw it. My mom walks into her bedroom, looks at me and yells "What the hell did you do!" My pillow is stuck to my face with tons of dryed blood. Nice. Doc makes a house call. 1. fix non-clotting holes in my mouth 2. Pain meds not working. He left me with a codene script and a warning that high altitudes, clotting, medication, and beer are not a good mix. Hell to the yeah, this will be the best new years ever.
Colorado: It was a bloody blur of high altitudes, no-clotting, medication, and beer.
My PSA to the interweb, drinking and wisdom teeth extraction whilst vacationing in Colorado...Not good. Oh, I also developed a case of TMJ 6 months after the surgery by having my jaw clench shut for 3 days. This was also treated with pain meds. All the doctors say it had nothing to do with the surgery or anything, but my mom always says that my partying in Colorado lead to it. I told her it was from all the blow jobs.
Feel better Marisa!
Ritmeyer, 11:57 AM
Wow! I loved this story even before I got to the last sentence, which is perfection.
I have TMJ now without the pain meds but with a $500 mouth guard thingy. It sucks, I'd rather have the pain meds. I also had laughing gas during my wisdom teeth surgery which was the best thing ever, well that and the post surgery box of ice cream.
Heather B-I have the mouth guard thingy too. I just wake up and I have taken it out of my mouth and thrown it across the room in my sleep. Yes, thrown. It is always like 10-15 feet from my bed. Just need pain meds when it locks and they give me muscle relaxers. I think my subconscience wants the pain meds and that is why I thrown the mouth guard in my sleep.
I have TMJ too!! We should start a club. A TMJ superhero club.
You really did say that, didn't you? You kill me.
My husband who's 35 needs his out, and he hasn't made the appointment. He's known for well over a year. Sounds fun!
Okay, I replied before I read tim's reply. TIm you do realize you're joining a club where the affliction is brought on by giving hummers?
Of course I said that, you know me too well. I hope you saw that I gave you a nickname.
I do believe Tim is aware of that.
you can't exactly close your mouth when giving a female oral either.
Tim's getting testy with me. The specific terminology was blow jobs. Blah blah blah something remotely clever. zing.
I'm too tired.
mine wouldn't clot either. i thought i was going to bleed out in my living room!
thanks for the good wishes! i miss your comments!