Monday, November 21, 2005

100 Things Wrong with Me- Part 7

Thank you Karla for this ingenius idea. She is one of my favorites!! Who gives a rats ass about good things about me? When Karla said to look deep within myself, I did. She's right, what is there is bad.

Half the folks in Blogland have a 100 Things list, in which they detail 100 miscellaneous facts about themselves, usually along the lines of "I love to cook," and "I'm a Scorpio." I looked deep inside me, and found there's just not much there. What is there is bad. Therefore, I give you my list of 100 Things Wrong With Me. To cut down on the odds that you'll fall asleep reading it, I've broken it up into parts. (from Karla, she is brilliant)


61. I am anal retentive. In highschool people called me Phoebe, which I believe was because I was idealistic, vegatarian, pycho about recycling, and smoked a bit too much of da pot so I was very dippy. After I got my own place, they started calling me Monica. (I became annoyed that the people around me didn't watch other shows) I am a wee too organized and living with me is no easy task. I have chilled out a bit since I got married, but sometimes I just can't help but to stay up until 1 in the morning making sure everything is perfect and in it's proper place. With that said, I hate hanging clothes up or putting them away. I go to the basement where all my clean clothes are folded on my laundry table and get dressed. When I get done with the day and go up to our bedroom to change, I fling the dirty clothes on the floor and anything that could be worn again, I drape over the desk chair. That chair will fall over now and again from the weight of the clothes. I hate to iron, so then I will take anything that needs ironing and set the dryer to "fluff".

62. I hate the word ain't. HATE. If someone says that word in my presence I tell them it isn't a word. When they tell me they don't care, I tell them it sounds stupid and roll my eyes. Skywalker loves to say ain't just to annoy me.

63. I love John Denver. I don't think that this is something that is wrong with me, but everyone around me disagrees. I just Thank God I'm a Country Boy when that Country Road Take Me Home, because I get scared when I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane. Now I'm going to go back to work and listen to Annie's Song on my IPOD.

64. The plates on my car expired in October. I have known this for 2 weeks. I don't care, I'm living on the edge. This is not the first time this has happened, I do it every year. My husband wants to smack me, I am not really concerned about it.

65. I don't like taking the time to wash fruit. I know there are all sorts of pesticides and shit on them, but it takes time away from me enjoying the delicious fruity goodness. I am 28 and it hasn't killed me yet, so what does that tell you. Yep, you all have been wasting time washing your fruit.

66. I don't like to gossip. I think gossip is horrible, mean and distructive. I didn't, however, say that I don't partake in it. I can't help it. I believe the devil makes me do it. So then they tell me what is going on with so and so, my eyes get big, I am filled with the joy of being in the know. Then comes the natural feeling of spreading the gossip. Ohhh people need to know this. That is when my conscience gets me. I can't be apart of spreading the gossip, that is a line I won't cross. But gossip held in could actually make my head burst, so I go home. I spot my poor defenseless, sweet husband watching football or something and I sit down.
Rit: You are never going to believe this.
Luke: You dumbass! (to the coach/player of whatever game he is watching)
Rit: LUKE!!!!
Luke: What! Shit, what are you DOING! (apparently someone is messing up again)
Rit: Guess what. (my eyes filled with excitement)
Luke: Honey, can't this wait...YEAH!!!! (clapping, screaming, maybe a jump off the recliner)
Rit: No, you are never going to believe this! So and so blah, blah, waw waw waw. Waw waw waw, wah wa wa wa. Wah wah wa wa wa waw waw. Can you believe that?
Luke: YEAH!! (clapping, jumping)
Rit: Honey, did you hear me...can you believe it?
Luke: Uh, umm, no no I can't.
Gossip spreading pressure relieved, even though I am aware that even if Luke did hear it he couldn't care less about who is sleeping with who unless it is me sleeping with him.

67. I give everyone a nickname. I don't sit around and think them up, it comes natural to me. I just look at you one day, and it comes out of my mouth. Skywalker is Boo (short for boo boo kitty head), Ava is "chicklet", My friend Maryanne is M-A (she totally freaked out when I called her Ma), My sister Lauren is Lolo Hamburger (that rhymes with my maiden name, yep I say the whole thing), my friend Karen is Kern, Todd is Too-dals, Susie is Zs, and the list goes on. Most of the nicknames people hate, and I don't care. You hang out with me for more than 3 times, and you will be called something other than your name. Fo shizzle.

68. I watch cops just to see if I will know anyone on the show, because I am facinated by the fact that these people sign a waver to allow the world to see them being busted for crack. I hope one day someone can enlighten me and explain what there reasoning was for this. Anyway, I loves me some Cops, and I will tell everyone about the newest episode and ask them why they think people would sign a waver allowing their bust for solicitation of prostitution to be on the TV. Everytime we are out with people and I start with "So, do you guys ever watch Cops?" Luke just rolls his eyes. You know he is thinking, why doesn't she ever bring up topics like politics or the environment, my wife has to bring up Tom Cruise & Cops. I also take polls on who thinks Katie Holmes and Tom Cruises relationship is a sham.

69. I just laughed for like two minutes cause I'm on 69. That has to be something wrong with me.

70. If I happen to drag a friend of mine into a Walmart or a Walgreens at some point in the visit I will yell things like "Well it won't hurt anymore if you'd stop scratching it!" or "Didn't your mom ever tell you that it is rude to ich your privates in public? What's the problem down there?" or "If you don't get him to take the medicine, you will just keep getting it back." I can't help it, I think the devil makes me do this too. After my horrified friend runs out of the store, I laugh my ass off.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5, Part 6


my tags expired in october. i just refuse to pay the taxes because they always claim my car is worth WAY more than it is. my husband would like to smack me as well. not only are the tags expired, i haven't registered in my new state which i should have done 5 months ago!
We should swerve whenever we drive, just to get them to pull us over. I guess since I don't break the law much anymore I have to feel like a rebel somehow.
Ain't is a word according to
Tim- I know, I just don't care. Trust me, when they put that sucker in thie dictionary I heard about it. I believed this signals that the end is near.
Oh, I hate the word ain't too. But here's the really weird thing. Sometimes I'll use the word ain't in post. I never, never never say it in real life and I too correct those (most of the time) that do. ::shudder::

I have the same relationship with gossip. I shamefully do enjoy hearing it, but I won't spread it either. I can be a very good secret keeper. Boy I wish everyone else could. But you learn lessons.

What is my nickname? Do blogging friends get them? Also we are so never going to walmart or walgreens together. ever.
BabyJewels-Alot of the time when I see you have written a comment I think "baby-ruth". I say it just like Sloth does in the movie goonies. (You should feel super special, as you are my first blog buddy with a nickname)

Lulu- Hahahahaha 69
Yeah, you shouldn't call crazy people crazy. They freak out. Don't ask how I know this.
Cool I get a nickname and its candy related. Thank you. I also picked up on the 69 and forgot to mention it. dammit.
I was surprised that you had nothing to say about 69. hahahahahah
Lulu, I will either email you or post about it.

Heather-Yes, yes it would. We need to hang out. Next time I'm going to Tulsa I will let you know, maybe we could hook up. (yes, I realise the state of Oklahoma is large and I don't know what city you are in, but Skywalker gets free gas from work so we can drive all over)
wow. we really are the same person. other than the john denver.

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