Friday, December 09, 2005

Dear Santa,

Hey, it's Rit. Remember me? I know that you put me on the permanant bad list after the whole knowing who defiled that holy statue thing and keeping my mouth shut thus making the nuns cry and threaten half the school, knowing who called in the bomb threats, raffeling off that bottle of voda for the charity week my junior year, the drunken antics... you know what you probably remember all that so I'm gonna shut up. But I've been super good this year. I haven't lied, opps. Ok I lied. I have been a super obediant wife, shit. Um, I sent out all my wedding thank yous, crap. I'm putting the last ten in the mail now. RIGHT NOW. I have been nice to everyone, um um who I like. That counts, right? How about being punctual? I mean, not for work but for everything else. Wait, thanksgiving doesn't count does it?

Well here is my list anyway.

A pink is the new blog T-Shirt, one of each color and women's med or large.

A satellite radio and subscription to Sirius. This all must be done by Dec 16th. Howard Stern moves to satellite the next day and Trent is taking the t-shirts of the market.

I promise to be really, really good. I might get knocked up one of these days and people say that makes you a better person, so you should consider putting me on the nice list this year. Please Santa.


Rit Meyer (formally Hamburger, look someone married me. I can't be that bad)


stern doesn't start till jan 9th.
Why is he leaving the show on Dec 16th? Am I miss informed? Will I have to wait that long inbetween. SHIT!
I thought it was dec 9th! This is what I get for half listening to everything in my hearing range.

Tim, have I ever told you how considerate you are to hold the ponytail? Is there a tiny starburst camera that needs to catch all the action?
rit, his last regular show is dec 16th, then he takes a vacation till jan 9th.

baby - yes, I'm very considerate in my love making... well, in my receiving oral. Not sure if you've checked them all out, but I have about 5 posts with the starburst porn which you can find on my sidebar.

ha! my word verification is jupac. 2-pac's hasidic cousin.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That sucks. Thanks, I must have been blocking out that when I listen to them every morning.
he is repetitive and annoying sometimes, but the thing he's repetitive and annoying about is the FCC which he no longer will be bitching about, so it will be great.
Hells yeah it will!
Your local station will probably keep playing best-of's for the next couple of weeks until the 9th hits.

You'll likely also be able to hear some best-of's on the Sirius channels that are already up and running.

Love him or hate him...he does exactly what he intends to do and is paid for. Go figure.
stern. don't get me started on stern.

but merry christmas.

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Location: St. Louis, MO

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  • Cotton Babies
  • A little Pregnant
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  • Shaken Mama
  • Karla Babble
  • Mad Ethel
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