Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Yesterday was my client holiday party at the office. This meant no blogging and that Skywalker sat on the couch watching TV wondering why there was no din din in his belly. I walk through the door at 8 pm with all sorts of goodies. Cheese, samiches, cookies, brownies, a veggie tray, and an olive tray. Martha Stewart is totally freakin' scared of me. So while munching we watch 'My name is Earl' and 'Supernatural' on the commercials. SVU comes on at 9 . We are lazily eating brownies and cookies while a little boy is thrown from a vehicle at the hospital, when I notice that I have been rubbing my eye for a while and I can tell something is in it. I go to the bathroom mirror and look. I see the offending whatever in far corner in my eye. It won't come out. I yell for Skywalker. He comes in and I contort my eye and tell him to "GET IT OUT!" Then something fun happened. My normally calm husband looks in my eye and says, "You have to go to the docter!" Me, "What, just get it out!" Skywalker, "Honey, I'm not going to be able to get it out, you NEED to go to urgent care or something." Me "No way, that's like $50 or something, just try I can't get it." Skywalker "Seriously, a doctor needs to do this." I pout and try for an hour and a half to get it out and then say fuck it and try to fall asleep. I wake up every couple of hours with my eye in pain and stuck shut from all the eye booger crusty crap. I wake up to go to work and it took me 20 minutes to get my eye open and all the crusty eye booger stuff off. I can't wear makeup, or see out of that eye cause it is constantly running and hurts. I think I am going to have to suck it up and spend the co-pay to urgent care. (I haven't been to an eye doctor in like 17 years).
This is what my swollen grody eye ball looks like:


Not to add insult to injury, but isn't that what pink eye is?
I thought that too, but I had that when I was a kid and I don't know if you have something actually in your eye? Do you?
it's probably chylmadia.
ewww - don't fuck with your eyes, rit. get it checked out and healed pronto. you don't want to lose your sight over a grody eye booger you couldn't extract. how embarassing of a story would that be?
You went to bed with "something" in your eye? What was it? A pencil? A stray dog? Willie Ames?

Go to the hospital, Rit, before it gets serious.
Rit, get your ass to the eye doctor. Now. Although, seriously, I know you'd rock an eye patch like nobody's biz.

(are we sure it's not a stye? Cuz you can fix that with a very hot washcloth over your eye in about 5 mins)

Let's see...$50 or not being able to see...

Here's hopin' you went and got it taken care of!

Feel better.
I know I'm a little late but - Yikes! Go get that fixed!! I hope you're okay. (I'm with Babyjewels on the eyepatch)

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