Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Museum Opening

The Psychiatry: Industry of Death museum opened December 17 by the aliens who brought you TomKat.

Hollywood Scientologists turned out in force on Saturday night (Dec. 17) for the opening of the new Psychiatry: Industry of Death museum.

The museum was created by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a psychiatric watchdog group founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology.

The gala affair brought out such stars as Catherine Bell, Anne Archer, Jenna Elfman, Danny and Chris Masterson, Leah Remini, and Lisa Marie and Priscilla Presley.
While none of the stars are believed to have a medical degree, the colorful graphics and informative documentaries in the exhibits certainly seemed convincing enough for them to confidently label psychiatry a "fraud" and an "industry of death."

Actress Anne Archer delivers the startling news that at least 100,000 electroshocks are administered annually. The CCHR press release further informs that "psychiatrists kill up to 10,000 people" annually with their use of electroshock, which works out to one in ten.

Actor Danny Masterson explains that anyone who disagrees with them on the subject is "completely misinformed."

If your psychiatrist is not otherwise occupied murdering 10 percent of his electroshock patients, you still run the risk of having one of the 10 to 25 percent of psychiatrists that sexually assault their patients (unsubstantiated figures courtesy CCHR).

The American Psychiatric Association was unable to provide a comment for this story. [source]

Here is the website of the CCHR if you are totally bored. It's a wonderful read of fiction and lies if I have ever seen it.


Scientologists are so cute!
At first I thought you were talking about the hippy/drug museum that lets you "experience" a drug trip without the drugs. Pretty cool.
The drug museum, not the scientologists.
Rit, Rit, Rit. You're being glib. You don't know the history of psychiatry the way I do. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to turkey baste, er, impregnate another virgin sacrifice.
But I like being glib. Glibe, glibe, glibe. I also like electro-shocking people...
I also enjoy spelling glib right once and then mispelling it three times. Yep, that's glib me.
these people are so kookie. who champions for a museum against psychiatry? i can think of a million other things to do with my time. like sitting on the couch with dry cheerios and watching tv like i'm doing right now.
Well, Beebers, if you understood psychiatry like we did, then you wouldn't be so misinformed.
Ohhhh, now I understand why the module "How to rape, torture and kill" is so important on my psychology course. It's to piss off scientologists! Count me in!

p.s. love the blog
Wow. I thought you were kidding. Until I read the source article. That's messed up. (Not as messed up as Jenna Elfman, Catherine Bell and the Masterson boys being Scientologists though...that has blown my mind.)

Lauging at Regina's comment though. It all makes perfect sense! ;)
The day I found out Leah Remini is a Scientologist was a dark one for me. I always thought she was so funny, and normal, and then I come to find out she subscribes to the same tomfoolery as Crazy McNutso. Sad, sad, sad.

Not so shocked about the Masterson boys, though. Considering that they're such close pals with the Kabbalah boy, Ashton Kutcher, it's no surprise that they'd turn to something even kookier than a $100 red string bracelet.
Yeah, me three.

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