Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Ritmeyer, 8:01 AM
Now that you point it out our voices do sound a lot alike.
Shower accessories suck!
I didn't know how to express the frustration I'm feeling with our shower downstairs that flood the basement everytime someone showers. I feel your pain.
you're getting Mr. Rit to post an audioblog.
And what's the deal, why can't you hear audioblogs? You don't have speakers? But, you could hear Pizzle's last week, right?
I actually was able to find a computer in this building with a headphone jack, so I can totally listen.
You should have taken a bath in one of those big wooden tubs, like they did in the old west. Maybe you could use a horse trough. (is that how you spell the things the horses drink out of?)
Oh, and you said "Bye."
I have speakers at work, my work won't allow me access to audioblogger.
Something about not work related, blah blah.
Rit, that was beautiful.
Please, please, please tell me that Mr. Rit will be doing an audio blog.
I prefer that to my other guess, which is that you would audioblog some kind of sex act. That's more Baby Jewels's speed.
Oh you just wait...
what if I, we, saved out the files and emailed them to you so you could listen to them at work? Wouldn't that be nice of us?
That would be so nice, BUT we can't have access to email at work either. SEC regulations for my company. It's weird, I know.
Thanks for the thought Tim.
Is the special treat going to be a picture of PoPo's trap, after it has been silver polished? That's my guess.
Rit, you poor thing with that shower. It's like you're bathing a baby. I'm sick and making no sense.