Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It's Sweet, like a Lemon

Happy Soon to be Turkey Day! I have decided to take this time to share with you, a little heart warming story of a Thanksgiving Tradition.

Rit's Heart Warming Family Thanksgiving Tradition

I wake up and run downstairs, up earlier than the rest of my family. (I spend the night at my parents on holidays, Skywalker has to now too...seriously. Christmas Eve, we will sleep there so Santa knows where we are at) I start the coffee and walk to the stereo and put in our very special family song. Volume Up, coffee done. Singing along at the top of my lungs:

"Love to eat turkey’cause it’s good, Love to eat turkey Like a good boy should, ’cause it’s turkey to eat, So good "

My dad will come walking down the hall from his bedroom, "Rit!! Damn it, it's 7 in the morning!"

"Turkey for me Turkey for you, Let’s eat the turkey In my big brown shoe, Love to eat the turkey At the table, I once saw a movie With Betty Grable"

I hand my dad his coffee while singing along with the song. He laughs and sings "Eat that turkey All night long, Fifty million elvis fans Can’t be wrong, Turkey lurkey doo andTurkey lurkey dap, I eat that turkey Then I take a nap"

Little feet can be heard pitter pattering down the stairs. It is Dan, Joe, Lolo Hamburger, Skywalker and The Fiance (this will be the first year The Fiance will get to witness this) A chorus of voices:

"Thanksgiving is a special night, Jimmy walker used to say dynomite That’s right!"

Mom emerges from the hall, "What the hell?" She looks on to see her wonderful family...singing this:

"Turkey with gravy and cranberry, Can’t believe the Mets traded Darryl Strawberry, (my dad & I yell that the Mets are pond scum, you just can't take the 80's out of a St Louis cards fan)Turkey for you andTurkey for me, Can’t believe Tyson Gave that girl v.d., White meat, dark meat You just can’t lose, I fell off my moped And I got a bruise, Turkey in the oven And the buns in the toaster, I’ll never take down My Cheryl Tiegs poster, Wrap the turkey up In aluminum foil, My brother likes to masturbate With baby oil"(this is where my mom shakes her head, yet joins in) Turkey and sweet potato pie, Sammy davis jr. Only had one eye, Turkey for the girls andTurkey for the boys, My favorite kind of pants Are corduroys, Gobble gobble goo andGobble gobble gickel, I wish turkey Only cost a nickel, Oh I love turkey on thanksgiving, Happy thanksgiving everybody!"

Later at my Aunt & Uncles everyone is drunk and screaming at each other during our annual "Battle of the Sexes" board game. Everyone is cheating. Then my uncle will start playing the banjo and my drunken dad will yell for him to "Play Stairway to Heaven on your Hoosier (F1) music maker!" Then my aunt passes out instruments and we have the Rit's Family Band concert. It's bad music played by good people. I hope my sister is still engaged by the end of the night!



Rit and her Family

F1 :In St. Louis the word Hoosier refers to severely white trash. I in no way am refering to anyone from Indiana. Please understand our regional reference.

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You know I like to gamble.
oh man! i harrass my family all day with that song too! i'll throw turkey at their feet and tell them to eat turkey from their shoe. ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha!!! i crack me up. they get so sick of it by the end of the day but when it comes time for me to have a leftover turkey sandwhich at night and i slip my stepmom a nickle...they still think it's hilarious. and she STILL makes me the sandwhich!
Ohhhh, brilliant. We just all beat it like a dead horse. But to actually incorporate it into the day. Wait, I have two brothers and I don't want to know what they do with baby oil...
Love it. You are so funny. Your sisters fiance doesn't know how good he's got it.
That sounds like a blast! Happy Thanksgiving.
I learnt to play that on my guitar, and now I am going to wake my wife up at four AM with Sandler's Turkey Song. I'll give her your url as a place to which she can direct her complaints.

I am from Illinois. I don't care what anyone says, but everyone from Indiana are trashy. (maybe not, but when someone tells me that they are from IN, I immeaditely flash to them in a trailer, throwing rocks into a coffee can). Especially people from Hammond. Yuk.
Think Frustrated-Excellent idea. Please have her complain to me, it'll be worth it. Loves me some Turkey for you, turkey for me...

(everyone at my office is ready to beat me, I won't stop singing)
that is awesome.

hope you had a great day!
Sounds like a Folger's commercial to me. Great stuff.

Hope your T-day was great!
Rit, I'm just catching up -- one of my good friends is from St. Louis and she says "hoosier" to refer to white trash all the time. It used to really confuse me because my friends in Indiana proudly refer to themselves as "hoosier." You'd think the two places could have gotten together and decide on an agreed upon meaning before choosing two totally different things.

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