Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A story that is not about my husband and I

My friend had a weird night. Her husband, Hans Solo, was abducted by aliens and replaced with a crazy jealous person last night. Her phone malfunctioned and isn't ringing so she had her hubbo look at it. He decided to page through her contacts, quizing her on any male name (all 4 of them) jokingly. He then sees his best friend's name, Sodd. He has had this crazy notion that they are hot for each other for 2 years. He always says he knows it is just crazy shit in his head, so he jokes about it. Right now my friend is trying to hook him up with her best friend because they both date people she hates and she would like to still hang out with her friends when they date people. She's a super giver like that. Anyway, Sodd only calls my friend when he can't get ahold of Hans Solo and he needs something. One time Sodd called Hans' phone when Hans was napping with my friend. Then my friends' phone rings and my friend said "Oh, it's Sodd he must want to talk to you real bad." Hans picks up the phone and says, "What the F are you doing calling my wife!" Hans isn't very nice when he gets up from naps. Hans apolygised later, but Sodd hasn't called my friend since and my friend had never saved his number in her phone.

This all changed the other night. Sodd called my friend desparate to use her house phone line for something he needed for work. He had to call her phone 5 times because she doesn't answer numbers she doesn't know. He couldn't get ahold of Hans. After the call my friend was like, this is stupid and saved his number in her phone.

This was the explaination she gave Hans when he quized her. My friend is very confused because Hans usually isn't the jealous crazy type, but he stormed upstairs and spent the night playing solatair on the computor and my friend needed to make a movie...ur do something for work. Hans called her this morning and said he was wrong, but plans on letting Sodd know that he shouldn't call my friend anymore. Is this F*ed up or what? I don't know what to tell her since Skywalker is not the jealous crazy type.

UPDATE: Hans called my friend and said that he is not going to tell Sodd anything. He said he is nuts. I think she is going to get a present or two out of this one. Boys are silly, Lulu.


The only time someone got all psycho jealous on me, I broke up with them the next day. Obviously, this is a little different. Someone needs to explain to him that he needs to use his inside voice when he's talking on the phone because big people don't yell at each other.
Well, yell may have been a strong term my friend tells me. But he had his mean voice on. She just thinks she needs to say something other than "You're f*ing crazy" to Hans and I don't know what else to tell her to say since I agree with that statement.
It sounds more like a deep rooted problem. They need to sit down, agree to not yell or raise their voices and to take turns talking, and then they need to talk about why he feels threatened. Was there ever an instance of cheating in the past that would explain broken trust now? Or could it be one of those situations where the person who is guilty of something overreacts to make themselves seem innocent? Those who are guilty of cheating often flip out on the other spouse to divert the attention. They just need to talk about it. Open communication is the key, ya know? I'll send an invoice later.
I think I may have made my friend's situation sound worse than it was. No voices were raised, I revised it. No cheating on either parts.

His main problem is that he doesn't think his guys friends should be calling his wife. He thinks it is disrespectful.
Back up, Jiminy will let me keep this up.
Who is Jiminy? I'm not getting the reference. It sounds like they are fine. Sometimes things rub you the wrong way on a certain day and then you step back and realize you overreacted.

sooo, is this Sodd character superhot? wink. wink.
Yes/ Reference post entitled My pipes are clogged.
Jiminy Cricket is Rit's conscience.
He lives in her stomach.
And he wears a hat.

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