Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My pipes are clogged

with potato peels and probably the grease I always throw down the drain. So as you may or may not know, the in-laws were at la Meyer casa this weekend and I clogged our disposal. So I left work last night and went to dinner with my pal Maryanne. We laughed, we cried because we were laughing so hard at things I can't tell you all, we ate, she smoked, and we shopped. I get a call from our pal Todd, who Skywalker and I joke that we should claim him on our taxes cause he is always at our house and I feed him at least 3 times a week. Anyway, he needs to stop by to use our phone line to plug in some thingy real estate agents use to get into houses and my hubby isn't answering his cell. I tell him when I am getting home, and continue my shopping fun.

I pull in my driveway and there is Todd. It is 9:45. We walk in the house and I step into the kitchen "Hey, you want something to drin...WHAT THE HELL!" I hear Todd behind me. "Uhhh..." I am staring at my kitchen, with the pile of dirty dishes I couldn't put in the dishwasher, everything that was in my cabinet under the sink laying on the floor and counter tops, a saw-uh a SAW, towels with black crud on them, and the sink full of black chemicaly water that smells like ass. No not as good a ass smells, a dead putrified body that has been in the trunk of a car for 3 weeks in August type of scent. "Oh. My. Gawd. What in the. Why is. What?" Todd looks at me, "No, he did what he should have done." Me "So an actual plummer did this? You know, the plummer that he should have called instead of sawing something and making my house smell like rotting flesh." Todd "Um, no." He looks down at the ground. I shake my head, knowing his involvement in this was 50/50. Seriously, these two smart men get together and apparently don't have a brain between them. "Todd, do you want to eat this week. Cause I'll need the use of my sink." Good thing they look like this.


I am constantly clogging the drain. Well, at least before we got the disposal. Now, I'm constantly ruining my silverware because I don't check before I grind. Anyway, here is my trick for getting rid of grease and other crap that you should put in the drain. Put in it the toilet. Yeah, my husband would KILL me if he knew. Bye bye bacon grease. So far, it hasn't come back to lube my in the ass. (now where's your movie. just make one already)
I will tonight at home. I can't do it at work. Come on, you know me better. I tried, no amount of lube will get the movie to be made here at work. So you will have to be patient and wait until tomorrow.
putting grease down the drain is deadly. I used to dump it off my old house's porch. After a few weeks of doing that a 2 foot hole developed where I was dumping it. grease is baaaad..
I know. I just can't help but throw it down the drain. It's just like how BabyJewels can't help sucking off hobbo's.
I always pour it in a can and then throw the can in the dumpster. No?

And what the hell is a hobbo? A hobbit with a brown bagged 40 and no place to go. ha ha!
Ok so I can't spell hobo, but at least I don't blow them for money. Right? ::crickets::
Your pipes are clogged...veeeery funny bi-otch! :P
Pour an entire container of salt very slowly down the drain. That should gently eat away and disolve stuff. It works for smaller jobs, I'm sure of that.

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